Fix: Resolve errors when trying to export using the Third Party courier
Fix: Min / Max levels against channel items will no longer override profile values incorrectly
Fix: Improvements to Order Imports within the Data Import section, relating to Company Code matching.
Fix: Improvements to the Stock Adjustments screen performance
Fix: EORI numbers will now consistently export when required
Fix: Improvements to the Stock Import process to prevent an unexpected tax rate to be applied
Fix: Improved the way in which order references from channels are passed to Ship Theory
Fix: Improved the way in which the Close All button works
Fix: Improved the Company Class restrictions behaviour for Promotions
Fix: Improvements to Stock information decimal places used for Buy Price and Sell Price
Fix: Setting the Picking Location on the Stock Adjust screen will update the Picking Location field against the item
Fix: Exporting grids will now include all visible columns within the grid
Fix: Prevent divide by zero errors when assigning to couriers
Change: Sales Invoice Manager will remember which stage was open when switching back to it
Change: Added requirement that supplier returns be saved once before confirming
New Feature: Keycode information can now be used on reports
New Feature: Held Payments can now have their authorisation accepted or rejected
Fix: Stock Import will now remove whitespace from provided stock codes to prevent creation of duplicate items
Fix: Company imports will now set the Supplier flag as expected to prevent hidden records from being created
Fix: Improvements to order import file validation process in regards to address field validations
Fix: Shiptheory error handling has been improved to return errors more consistently
Fix: Shiptheory will no longer cause errors if the courier doesn't provide a consignment ref or label
Fix: Shipping Rates screen will now order rates by amount as expected
Fix: Build parent items will now show the expected potential level
Change: Xero - SP Ledger entries to export will now be picked up based on posted date rather than created date
Change: Shiptheory will now pick up the County as part of the address fields on shipments