What’s New

v1.6.6.0 (2nd December 2019)

New Feature: Pick, Pack Verification operation added to Sales Invoice Manager

New Feature: Workflow reporting via Email triggers

New Feature: Amazon FBA integration

New Feature: Emails can now be delayed and cancelled when queued

New Feature: System Backups can now be scheduled from within the application and the email address changed

New Feature: Xero can be configured to use different order references

New Feature: Shopify payment types can now be mapped to different bank accounts

Added ability to disable and enable a Channel

Added potential stock level for Build parent items when exporting stock level to a Channel

Added Associated Ref to Sales Invoice Manager grid

Added a Courier Reassess option to imported channel orders

Added ability to move VAT transactions to and from the UK/EC portion of the VAT return

Added ability export a Xero invoice when there are no contact details

Improved Tablet/Mobile UI, Tablet will now follow Mobile standards

Improved dropdowns, datepickers, F4lookup components on Mobile

Improved Xero load time

Improved available System Ad-Hoc reports

Fix for edit panels disappearing for Channels and Xero screens

Fix for apply value range on keycode stock items grid

Fix extra scrollbar appearing under grids for no reason

Fix to user permissions erroring when a user cannot access a screen

Fix grids not showing zero values on first refresh

Fix to Assign to Courier not moving invoice to next stage correctly

Fix to ShipTheory when product names are too long

Fix SCS config screen not copying some values from the parent product

Fix SCS config screen not allowing buffer values to be set properly

Fix Xero contact matching and API limits running out too quickly

Fix Xero not putting invoice items in the correct order

Fix Purchase Order and Delivery Note not reporting the reason items cannot be deleted

v1.6.5.0 (29th October 2019)

Added Unallocated Transactions report to the Accounts section

Added Testing Mode for emailing documents

Added integration to ParcelForce ExpressLink v14

Added total Page Count to grids

Added ability to specify Organisation on Statement and Purchase Order reports

Added support for mass export of MailChimp contacts

Added support to Sync Stock Levels by matching on barcodes as well as stock codes

Added Associated Reference to Sales Order List

Added ability to goto a Purchase Invoice from a Purchase Invoice

Changed 'Print Address Labels (automated)' back to 'Assign to Courier'

Changed Xero sync to send sales order number as other reference

Fix for some grids not resetting the page count after toggling filters

Fix 4 decimal places for sale/purchase unit prices not showing correctly in grids

Fix for the 'Select By Reference' grid function not working for Currency fields

Fix for some grids not showing their Help correctly

Fix for 'Goto Khaos Control' document from within Xero

Fix for Keycode report not filtering by Currency

Fix for 'Apply Value Range' when updating a checkbox column

Fix Xero to match on existing contacts, rather than always trying to create a new contact

Fix to Opening Balances dialog which was preventing values being posted

v1.6.4.0 (17th September 2019)

Added Making Tax Digital - electronic submissions of VAT figures to HMRC

Added Currency symbols to various grids, in particular the sales reports

Added Country Zones to System Data, making sure Courier Banding zones are compatible

Changed the Channels screen - moved the stock item matching grid to the Stock tab

Changed the Channels screen - moved the Tasks and Notification tabs be sub-tabs in Feedback

Changed the Channels screen - renamed the Import tab to Imported Orders

Changed the Channels screen - renamed Channel Specific Group Values grid caption to Order Types

Changed the Channels screen - download product from channel now asks for confirmation

Changed the menu in Sales Invoice Manager for Assign To Courier to Print Address Labels (automated)

Changed grid totals colour to orange when the grid contains a mixture of different currencies

Changed the Admin Portal area to make it easier to purchase Services from us

Fixed On Order list not showing free text override descriptions for stock items

Fixed not being able to put double quotes in to sales order items lines that are Free Text

Fixed not being able to apply Keycodes to Sales Orders

Fixed Special offers not triggering correctly in multi-currency situations

Fixed issues around SCS screen selection of items when moving between items

Fixed various mobile interface issues

v1.6.3.0 (17th July 2019)

Added Channel Categories to the Channels Screen

Added Category Sync and Channel Listing ability for Shopify

Added Royal Mail Click & Drop Integration

Added Bulk Updating of Stock Items

Added Bulk Deletion of Stock Items

Added Stock Locations, Safe & Min Levels per Site Overrides

Added Delivery Country to Purchase Order reports

Added Credit Note/Delivery Note/Invoice to email setting

Added Organisation to customer addresses

Added Freight and Duty to Purchase Invoices for Stock Value overhead purposes

Added the ability to create Consolidated Purchase Invoices from two or more Delivery Notes

Added Sales Order Code to shipping csv export from the Invoice Manager

Added System Values option to allow SCS children to be shown in the Stock List by default

Added Site filter to Back Order list

Changed Health Check messaging

Fixed stock items not being found when searching by Supplier Reference

Fixed Xero Delivery amount being missed when the roll-up option is on

Fixed Xero not refreshing correctly when clearing the feedback grid

v1.6.2.0 (30th May 2019)

Added SCS functionality (size, colour, style - stock variants)

Added Special Delivery Surcharges that can be assigned to certain products

Added Contact Email Subscriber property

Added support for page sizing to be remembered on a per grid and user basis

Added support for dropshipped items to be printed on a separate grid within the pick sheet

Added support for other actions menu to be disabled when screen is not in edit mode

Added support for Shopify to import non-paid account orders

Added APC Integration as a new courier export option

Changed [System Data | Couriers] so that Courier Configs can now be changed and copied

Changed BigCommerce customer note to assign to Invoice Note as well as Order Note (picking)

Changed document barcode scanning detection so that it is increased

Changed stock list ad-hoc report to match the data import format

Fix for Apply Value Range not always refreshing new values and failing date validation

Fix to stability of email settings

Fix for some filter counts showing the wrong number

Fix for drag and drop when adding stock images

Fixes to the mobile UI