What’s New

v1.0.5.0 (19th October 2016)

Improved speed and help in the search dialog
Added a new welcome screen (which you're seeing now!) to keep you informed about updates to the cloud
Top bar and the user menu has once again been given an update
Reports now support currency
The help assistant will hide on smaller screens
Cross browser download issues have been solved
You can upvote and downvote help items

v1.0.4.4 (4th October 2016)

Upload stock images to your stock items using the NEW Khaos CDN
Spruce up your reports with custom company logos
Mobile friendly trial balance screen
Pretty site colours
Exterminated small bugs from the last update

v1.0.4.3 (16th September 2016)

Given an overhaul to the notification centre
Improved upon report generation
Huge update to the way that the help is presented to the user
Site styling tidy-up
Command line auto complete
Data import template generator