What’s New

v1.8.5.1 (22nd April 2024)

Fix: Invoice Priorities will no longer be affected by Courier Bandings if it has been manually set

Change: Performance improvements to the Debt Management screen

New Feature: Payment Types can now be mapped for channels

New Feature: Allow setting of Account ID for Parcelhub couriers

v1.8.5.0 (14th March 2024)

Fix: Fix for lookups and Supplier filters becoming corrupt

Fix: POrders can now be created from the Reorder screen when filtered on Supplier

Fix: Prevent stock items from being imported that are linked to themselves

Fix: Exporting grid data will now export all visible columns to the file

Fix: Stock Import preview will now acknowledge all lines in the file

Fix: Paid column in the Sales Invoice Mgr will now display correctly in Issued stages

Fix: CRM Log entries will now show the user name if the user is no longer active

Fix: Prevent inactive contacts from being used for Statement e-mails

Fix: The Unallocated Transactions screen will now display its title correctly

Change: Changes to the positioning of OK/Cancel buttons throughout the application to bring consistency

Change: Rework of the help centre

Change: Branding data can now be used on POrder reports

Change: Opening the Statement screen will now cause allocated invoices to be archived

New Feature: Introduced screen descriptions to outline functionality of main screens

New Feature: Copy selected/focused grid row to clipbaord by pressing CTRL + ALT + C

New Feature: You can now scan a product barcode on the sales order screen to add that stock item to the order items

New Feature: You can now click images within main grids to show the image larger

New Feature: New trial management screen

New Feature: Support for drag and drop for Safari MacOS

New Feature: New keyboard dialog design and content

New Feature: You can now sort a grid by multiple columns

v1.8.4.9 (21st November 2023)

Fix: Company stats panel order value information will now be as expected

Fix: Resolve error with supplier filter not applying to stock lookup in Supplier Price List

v1.8.4.8 (6th October 2023)

Fix: Tax data for delivery charges sent up to Xero and Quickbooks will now be as expected

v1.8.4.7 (22nd September 2023)

Fix: Resolve error where some invoices couldn't be issued despite having a pre-payment

Fix: Improvements have been made to the performance for opening the Reorder report

Fix: Setting the Min or Max quantity against an item in a channels setup will now upload the expected stock level

Fix: Tax data sent up to Xero and Quickbooks will now be as expected, and having 0 tax will no longer cause an error to occur

Fix: Attempting to move credit notes within the Sales Invoice Mgr will no longer get an invalid movement error unexpectedly

Change: Payments exported to Opayo for US orders will now export State details

Change: Ability to anonymise customer details will now require the Admin user permission