What’s New

v1.4.0.0 (29th October 2018)

Added a new health check to the system which gives you useful information about your system

Added a new Customer Returns Analysis report

Added row selection checkboxes to the grids

Added sticky columns to the grids so that the first few columns of a grid will stay stuck when you horizontally scroll the grid

Added a few usability tweaks to the grids

Added a new Ad-Hoc SQL reports dialog to the reports screen

Added a Invoice Margin report to the Sales Order screen

Added DespatchBay courier integration

Added Print Invoice/Delivery Note to the SIM invoice stage

Changed the sales reports so that non-issued Sales Order can optionally be reported on

Changed the grid so that the entire row is faintly highlighted when a grid has a focused cell

Fixed some styling issues on tablet/mobile

Fixed the document headers not fixing the top of the screen when scrolling down

Fixed issues in the SIM when scrolling

Fixed a rare error when moving through the grids using a keyboard

Fixed issues with the whats new carousel not being responsive

Fixed not being able to sort grids in edit mode and sorting grids while filtering

Fixed padding issues with dialogs that had tabs

Fixed issues where the presented help text was wrong in certain cases

v1.3.0.0 (13th September 2018)

Added EKM Powershop Integration

Added ability to download Xero payments which are subsequently added to account invoices

Added Email Document Types for companies, defining what type of documents get sent to which mailboxes

Added new grid help dialog to all grids so that you can quickly access column help

Added "Find..." text to the filter bar of all grids to make it clearer

Added new payment button types to Sales Orders to make it easier to understand

Added new "Screen Description" banner to all screens which provides information and links to useful videos

Added a new document button to the screen's title

Added telephone number, email, associated ref, delivery charge and country to shipping csv export

Changed the colour legend to live inside the new grid help button

Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented the correct enabling/disabling of Move Up/Down buttons in the channels screen

Fixed an issue where using a wildcard in a lookup froze the grid

Fixed tags that were sometimes visible in help

Fixed data import selection issues that sometimes occurred when producing templates

Fixed grids removing cell data on every other delete row operation

v1.2.9.0 (27th June 2018)

Added ParcelHub courier integration
Added DPD courier integration
Added 3rd Party API for couriers (see https://github.com/khaoscontrol/kc-courier-services)
Added Royal Mail postcode lookup facility
Added a new Setup wizard to take you through the basics of Khaos Control Cloud when you first start using your account
Added "Print Invoice/Credit Note" to the Orders Archive stage of the SIM.
Added email address field to the address panel in the company screen
Changed the colour of the Action menu from red to green
Fixed invoice date not updating when printing invoices for the first time
Fixed the MailChimp export dialog getting stuck if no API key had been supplied.
Fixed an issue when the user changed site whilst documents were open
Fixed the Apply Value Range popover not appearing when the user was in edit mode unless the browser was refreshed

v1.2.8.0 (30th May 2018)

MailChimp integration has been added, allowing you to export your customers to mailing lists from the Reports > Customer Sales screen
GDPR changes are now here, you can now Anonymise customers or place them on Data Hold
Report Previewer is now available to display your invoices, sales acknowledgements etc. from directly within your browser. When emails are sent to customers they will be provided a preview link
Added a Copy Link to Clipboard button in the Notifications > Downloads section which will open a download in the report previewer
Added an Integration screen to System Setup. Here you will find your MailChimp and SagePay settings
Added delivery note settings to the email settings screen
Added Country filter to sales reports
Added Relationship Type filter to stock list
Fixed SAFE_LEVEL and DROP_SHIP not showing in stock import
Fixed delivery notes not being emailable from the SIM
Fixed the command line not being focused when the app first starts
Fixed the notification icon styling if you had more than 99 notifications
Fixed grid drag/drop not working as intended in Microsoft Edge
Fixed failed emails not showing in the email manager chart
Fixed the supplier price list not supporting multiple items
Fixed the barcode scanning button not showing on mobile
Fixed debtors list not setting credit stop or debt stage correctly
Fixed large grid selections sometimes not working with all selected items

v1.2.7.0 (26th April 2018)

Added Email Automation! You can now email your sales invoices, purchase orders and quotations directly to your customers from within Khaos Control Cloud
Added a new Consolidated Picksheet report to allow picking for multiple orders at once
Added a new 2018 theme for reports, which is more compact and allows for more information to be shown than before
Added Supplier Price lists, allowing you to set-up supplier pricing based on quantity banding and expiry dates
Added new sales report that groups bestselling products by Stock Type
Added a Copy Link button next to the download button in the notifications panel
Added barcode scanning: you can scan invoices in the SIM which highlights them on the grid, making it easy to move invoices to the next processing stage.
Added barcode scanning: you can scan when booking in stock items in the delivery note screen.
Added header discount option to BigCommerce channel set-up
Improved the grid Exporting to allow for JSON and XML on top of the previously available XML option
Fixed an issue where any active grids weren't refreshed when the user changed site
Fixed the SIM resetting back to the default stage when refreshing the browser
Fixed goto Invoice from the sales order not focusing on the correct stage
Fixed nominal account detail date filter not setting beyond one month
Fixed an issue where you weren't taken to the channel config screen after creating a new one