New Feature: It is now possible to update existing Stock Items, using the Importer, even if you do not have a full set of data fields. For example, columns STOCK_CODE and SELL_PRICE would update just the Sell Price for existing items
New Feature: [System Data | Courier Bandings] now allows couriers to be auto-selected based on volume, in addition to the other triggers
Fix: New Payment Remittance Report not showing invoice details when payment was allocated to an SPLedger invoice
New Feature: Supplier Payment Remittance Report
New Feature: Email, telephone and website values can now be clicked on to open relevant applications
Fix: Printing of invoice reports was very slow in some cases
Fix: SPLedger items not refreshing correctly
Fix: SPLedgers not using the correct date when sending to Xero
Fix: Postcode lookup styling & selection fix for the default item
Fix: Dropdowns not always closing if you click around the screen
Fix: Error when Copying a Sales Order
Fix: Error when booking in stock for Back Orders
Change: Channel Type selection dropdown now includes company logos
New Feature: It is now possible to change some basic details of a Sales Invoice from the Invoice Manager, including the Invoice Date
New Feature: EORI reference add to Company screen on the Finance tab
Fix: New Price List importer had issues
Fix: Various Xero integration fixes and improvements; pre-checking is now done from an Action Menu
New Feature: it is now possible to Import Price Lists in Data Import
New Feature: it is now possible to Import Stock Relationships (Packs and Builds) in Data Import
Fix: Payment processing not completing correctly