What’s New

v1.7.0.0 (19th August 2020)

Improved: AutoSet Value Proportions button added to Stock Relationships tab

v1.6.9.8 (7th August 2020)

New Feature: The system now warns if your credit balance is running low

v1.6.9.5 (4th August 2020)

New Feature: Archived invoices and credit notes can now be printed from the [Customer | Customer Services] tab

New Feature: Undo Refund action added to [Company | Statement]

Improved: Standard shipping labels now work in conjunction with 'Number of Boxes' value

Improved: Agent filter added to the Sales Invoice Manager

Improved: Improved grid performance when all rows are selected

Changed: Channels 'Download Products' action now requires typed confirmation

Changed: We have stopped the Stock Nominal account from being selected against SPLedger invoices

Changed: The 'Price List Summary' grid in the [Customer | Structured Pricing] tab requires the pressing of Refresh

Fix: Sales Report for Stock Types - was not showing the Profit and Margin figures

Fix: When Assigning to Courier locked invoice records will now be auto-unlocked after a certain amount of time

Fix: Sales Reports showing the wrong currency symbol

Fix: Purchase Order list could freeze the browser when filters were turned off

Fix: When clicking OK on the Show Journal Detail dialog, a duplicate journal was created

v1.6.8.0 (23rd June 2020)

New Feature: Quick Despatch - a simpler alternative to the full Sales Invoice Manager (SIM)

New Feature: Stock Level data import

New Feature: integration with PrintNode to automatically send labels and pdfs directly to printers

New Feature: the ability to change generated PDF file names, to make them more user friendly

New Feature: ability to Enabled and Disable Addresses and Contacts from within company records

New Feature: Customer Returns can now be tagged with a 'Status', which can be defined in System Data

New Feature: notification added to alert users when their User Credits are running low

New Feature: CRM 'Visit Report' added to [Company | CRM] tab

New Feature: Xero export can now exclude invoices from certain Sale Sources

New Feature: new health check added for checking unreconciled bank transactions

New Feature: Reverb channel integration available (specialist music sellers)

New Feature: Links to help from the dashboard

New Feature: the system Admin user can now access the Admin Portal from within KCC without a separate login

Improved: PPI label management, with the ability to add per account rather than per user

Improved: UI for Mobile devices

Improved: record panels with grouped sections

Improved: data import UI with progress bar and larger dataset support

Improved: support for downloading multiple labels, PDFs and other documents

Improved: download notifications, with quick action buttons

Improved: error messaging when an email fails to send

Improved: dashboard and email manager loading performance

Improved: MailChimp export, to avoid request limits

Improved: stock item 'Other Ref' available for use on the Sales Acknowledgement report

Improved: Goto options added to the Confirm Shipment screen

Improved: Purchase Order status added to the On Order list as a filter

Improved: added Discontinued filter to Stock Value report

Improved: WooCommerce / Shopify epos orders automatically move into [SIM | Issue] on import

Changed: it is no longer possible to turn off the site filter in the Reorder screen

Fix: Stock list not refreshing after deleting an item

Fix: Emailing order acknowledgements failing to send from within SIM

Fix: Apply Value Range unchecked checkbox support

Fix: Some pages becoming unresponsive after visiting the SIM

Fix: Some date pickers positioning incorrectly

Fix: Gathering Click and Drop tracking information

Fix: Company import trying to match on a non-existent field

Fix: Invoice terms X days from Month End, corrected on invoice reports and the Xero export

Fix: Address email address showing the contact's email address

Fix: F4Lookups becoming hidden on scroll/blur

Fix: filter Active button toggling

Fix: History Matrix was not allowing items to be added to the sales order

v1.6.7.0 (25th February 2020)

New Feature: Customer Dedupe report

New Feature: Customer Merge function

New Feature: Amazon US Integration

New Feature: ShipStation Integration

New Feature: Supplier Return report added for printing and emailing

New Feature: Customer Return report added for printing and emailing

New Feature: Panther Logistics Integration

Added AssociatedRef value to BackOrder list and Customer Services

Changed Xero integration now works with Prepayments instead of Overpayments

Changed Health Check dashboard so that the most important check appear first

Changed SCS Child stock items now display by default on the main stock list

Changed Channel Imported orders will not get an invoice code until the invoice is printed

Changed the system will ask for confirmation before emailing a report

Fix the width of dropdown lookup values in grids has been restored so that values can be seen

Fix shortcut key F3, to add new item, has been restored

Fix for Supplier Return not allowing itself to be Posted

Fix copied sales order adds a payment line where applicable

Fix for some Net/Tax/Gross calculations from Channels

Fix currency symbol removed from the bank account grid

Fix grid tagging sometimes losing the colour picker and not refreshing correctly

Fix for Override Stock Lock error on Purchase Order save being covered by another error