User Acceptance Testing (Extended)


To ensure that KCC has been setup to mirror your business practises, you should be testing each of your business scenarios to ensure that your current processes can be carried out in KCC and the outcomes are as you would expect. The Extended UAT is for businesses that would like to test their processes in more depth. 

To help you, there is a downloadable document that you can print and check off the different processes as you test them.

If you can answer yes to all of the questions it is possible you are ready to go live, although we recommend you speak with your Applications Trainer first. 

Customers & Suppliers

  1. Has your customer / supplier data imported correctly?
  2. Are your customer / supplier opening balances correct?
  3. Are your customer / supplier statements as expected?
  4. Are customers with multiple addresses having VAT applied correctly?


  1. Have all your stock items imported correctly?
  2. Do all your stock items have a stock value?  
  3. Is the stock value updating correctly when stock is purchased (if applicable)?
  4. Are your packs and builds functioning as expected?
  5. Are all your SCS stock items set up with the correct information, including stock values, buy and sell prices?


  1. Are your channels integrated?
  2. Is your Channel Order Types table correctly set up?
  3. Are your stock levels being synchronised correctly?
  4. Do your sales orders import?
  5. Are your delivery options being imported correctly?
  6. Are your couriers being selected based on your channel options?
  7. Are existing customers being correctly updated with orders being imported?
  8. Is your channel being updated with the shipping notification including consignment numbers where relevant?

Promotions & Price Lists                                  

  1. Can you replicate promotions in KCC that you currently use?
  2. Are your price lists in place and working correctly?
  3. Have you tested all keycodes?


  1. Have you tested your business processes with Sales Invoice Manager?
  2. Have you tested them in Quick Despatch?
  3. Are you able to print all paperwork required for sales orders and is the layout correct?
  4. Are customer details appearing correctly on all documentation?
  5. Are emails sent to the correct email address?
  6. Are your courier integrations working as expected?
  7. Is the correct information appearing on courier labels?
  8. Are your barcode scanners working correctly and picking up stock items/document barcodes?


  1. Is your domain correctly set?
  2. Have you tested your email settings in testing mode?
  3. Is the correct information appearing on emails?
  4. Are emails being sent to the correct email address?
  5. Are your email triggers working as expected?
  6. Have you tested your Mailchimp integration (if applicable)?


  1. Do you have a process for monitoring and posting Purchase Invoices?
  2. Are your suppliers setup correctly to purchase stock from them?
  3. Have you set safe and minimum levels and lead times against your stock items?
  4. Have you tested the Reorder Report is using the appropriate quantity?
  5. Are the documents you are sending to your suppliers laid out as required,  for example logo, delivery address, quantities ordered etc.?
  6. Does the Delivery Note screen work with your current practices?
  7. When posting Purchase Invoices are your stock values updating as you would expect?
  8. When booking goods in are they going to the correct site, if using sites?
  9. When booking goods in are your backorders being fulfilled and going into Released in the SIM?
  10. Do your purchase documents include all necessary information?

Sales Orders

  1. Are sales orders being imported correctly including:
    1. Couriers and their service?
    2. Are prices accurate?
    3. Are notes/gift messages being imported as expected?
    4. Are the payment details correct?
  2. If manually creating sales orders:
    1. Are the couriers and delivery rates as expected?
    2. Are the prices for stock items correct for the customer?
    3. Are any promotions that are applicable being applied along with any discounts or offer prices?
    4. Is your Sagepay integration working correctly? (if applicable)
    5. Are credit card payments correct?
  3. Are customer addresses appearing correctly on the sales orders?
  4. If using dropship, are you able to dropship sales orders?
    1. Is the paperwork correct?
  5. Do you have a process for monitoring and dealing with back orders?
  6. Are all of your sales documents correct?


  1. Are your opening balances accurate?
  2. Have you set up any Nominal Accounts you wish to use?
  3. Have you set up a bank account for each currency?
  4. Have you set up a bank account for each channel?
  5. Have you set up a bank account for card payments?
  6. Have you tested your Xero integration (if applicable)?
  7. Are your bank accounts being updated with transactions as expected?
  8. Is your P&L and Balance sheet updating as you would expect?
  9. Is your VAT Return being updated with sales and purchase information correctly?


  1. Have all potential users of the system been set up?
  2. Have you configured all user permissions?


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