Carrying Out a Standard UAT


This comprehensive guide is intended to be used following the initial setup of your KCC system as well as following any major changes to your system setup (such as new courier integrations). We do not recommend going live with any channel or courier service that has not been tested. If you wish to do these processes under supervision as part of your training, please make the Training Team aware of this at least one week in advance.
Before You Start
User Acceptance Testing is intended to test the setup of your system and does not include detailed steps on what to do if results are incorrect. Solutions should always be sought from the guides within the Khaos Control Cloud Knowledgebase.


•When raising purchase orders for the relevant suppliers from the reorder screen, are the safe and min levels correct for your requirements?
•Are the documents you are sending to your supplier laid out as required,  for example logo, delivery address, quantities ordered etc.
•When booking goods in are they going to the correct site, if using sites?
•When booking goods in are your backorders being fulfilled and going into Released in the SIM?
•When posting Purchase Invoices are your stock values updating as you would expect?

Sales Orders

•Are sales orders being imported from your channels correctly including:
•      Couriers and their service?
•      Are prices accurate?
•      Are notes/gift messages being imported as expected?
•      Are the payment details correct?
•If manually creating sales orders:
•      Are the couriers and delivery rates selected as expected?
•      Are the prices for stock items correct for the customer?
•      Are any promotions that are applicable being applied along with any discounts or offer prices?
•      Is the Opayo credit card payment integration working correctly?
•      Are customer contacts and addresses appearing correctly on the sales orders?
•If using dropship, are you able to dropship sales orders and is the paperwork correct?


•Are you able to print all the paperwork required for sales orders and is the layout correct?
•Are customer details appearing correctly on all documentation?
•Are emails sent to the correct email address?
•Are the courier integrations working as expected?
•Is the correct information appearing on courier labels?
•Are your barcode scanners working correctly and picking up stock items/document barcodes?


•Are your stock levels being synchronised correctly?
•Are your delivery options being imported correctly?
•Are existing customers being correctly updated with orders being imported?
•Is your channel being updated with the shipping notification including consignment numbers where relevant?

Accounts and reporting

•Are your bank accounts being updated with transactions as expected?
•Are your sales transactions updating the correct sales nominal(s)?
•Are your P&L and Balance sheet updating as you would expect?
•Is your VAT Return being updated with sales and purchase information correctly?
•If using Xero are transactions being updated in Xero as expected?
•Are your customers setup with the correct payment details, including payment terms, email addresses, contacts and addresses?

Channel Testing

This process should be carried out on all your channels. You will be adjusting the stock levels for a single stock item (preferably not your best sellers) in this process. Make a note of the stock level your channel is reporting for the item before you begin the process. It will be beneficial if you can create some test orders on your channel, one for each delivery option the customer can specify and one for each payment method accepted (such as Paypal, Shopify Payments, Stripe etc). If this is not possible then note the order ref of a single order for each of these options and deselect these at step 14.

Note: Amazon FbA channels are covered separately at the end of the page and should not complete this process.
  1. Open the channel in Edit mode.
  2. Go to the Main | Stock tab.
  3. Set the Stock to Upload drop down menu to Upload Specified Items Only (if not already set to this).
  4. Scroll to the Stock grid at the bottom of the screen.
    1. If this grid has no items in it click +New.
      1. If the grid has items in it already then note the stock level of these as reported by the channel and go to step 5.
    2. In the popup window double click a single stock item (Use the one you selected earlier before you started this process).
  5. Go to the Main | Setup tab and switch on the Channel Enabled toggle (If not already enabled).
  6. Ensure that all 3 of the Don't toggles are enabled (coloured green) - this will ensure zero stock levels are not uploaded to your channel.
  7. Click Save Channel and make a note of the time or set an alarm for 15 minutes.
  8. Go to [Stock Tools | Stock Adjustments] and click the Edit button.
  9. In the bottom grid click +New, green select the stock items from step 4.i or 4.ii and then double click.
  10. In the Adjust To column enter a quantity for each item that is higher than you noted earlier then click Save Screen.
  11. Once 15 minutes has passed since completing step 7 go back to your channel and select the Main | Setup tab.
  12. Click Edit and switch off the Don't Upload Stock Status toggle.
  13. For Shopify channels you should now be able to populate the Channel Location dropdown menu (this is located in the Channel Specific box). Stock levels will not sync to Shopify until this field has been populated. If this field has no available selections after 2 hours please contact
  14. Go to the Imported Orders tab.
    1. Disable the Date Range filter.
    2. The grid should be populated with past orders - if none are showing, don't worry, 15 minutes is just the most common time-frame for things to display. It can take a couple of hours for the first sync, especially if there is lots of data. If no orders are displayed after 2 hours please contact - it is essential you do not disable anymore Don't toggles until this is investigated.
    3. Green select all of the orders displayed and then deselect the following (these will be test orders):
      1. A single order for each payment type (Noted at the start of the process).
      2. A single order for each shipping option customers can select.
    4. Click the orange Grid Actions button and select Ignore / Don't Import.
  15. Go back to the Main | Setup tab, disable the Don't Import Orders toggle and click Save Channel.
    1. This channel is now set in such a way that it will import any order not marked as Ignore in step 14.4 as well as any new orders placed by customers. It is essential you continue to process these using your existing processes.
    2. Go to the channel Feedback tab and take note of the following time stamps:
      1. Download sales orders
      2. Upload stock status
  16. KCC should sync to your channel every 8 - 15 minutes however synching may be at increased intervals for the first few hours. During this period you should repeat this process for all channels, using the same stock items but skipping steps 8 to 10.
  17. Go to your stock listings within your channel (not within KCC) and confirm the quantities for stock items match the value set in step 10.
    1. If there has been a change, but not the value entered, confirm the quantity as per the profile percentage and quantities in the Channel | Stock tab profiles grid. If this does not match please contact for advice.
    2. If there was no change contact your Applications Trainer.
  18. Go to your channel Main | Setup tab and enable the Don't Upload Stock Status toggle.
  19. Go to your channel Imported Orders tab. There should be no orders with status Not Attempted, however if there are and they were present earlier, green select them and click the orange Grid Actions button then choose Retry Download from the menu - they will take 8 - 15 minutes to import.
    1. If there are any orders displayed with a Failed status, note the message.
      1. Messages relating to SKU mean KCC does not recognise the stock item being specified on the order.
        1. Create or edit the stock item in KCC to match that being specified by the channel.
        2. Once this is done, select the order and then choose Retry Import from the Grid Actions menu.
      2. Messages relating to address mean the address of the customer is too long for our Courier integrations and this will need trimming within your channel before KCC will import it. Once this is done, select the order and choose Retry Download from the Grid Actions menu.
  20. At least 15 minutes after completing step 19 go to [Despatch | Sales Invoice Manager]. You should have orders present in any of the following locations, which location depends on specific conditions:
    1. Staging - Everything is working normally and there is enough stock on KCC to satisfy the order.
      1. You do not need to do anything to these orders.
    2. Awaiting Stock - Everything is working normally but you do not have enough stock quantities on KCC to satisfy the order.
      1. You should adjust stock in to the system and allocate it to these orders within Back Order Manager. The orders will move to Released once this is done.
    3. Manual Hold - There is a problem with the payment on the order.
      1. This need to be investigated. Contact your Applications Trainer or for assistance.
  21. Once orders have imported, go to your channel and enable the Don't Import Orders toggle. You should now have all 3 of the Don't toggles enabled.
  22. Your channel UAT is complete.
    1. Go to the channel Main | Stock tab in Edit mode and set the Upload All Items drop down menu as required followed by populating the Stock Items to Upload grid with the items intended to be synched with the channel. If the channel is to sync all items you should keep this grid empty.
    2. Click Save Channel.

Paperwork Testing

  1. Move orders located in Staging and Released (if stock was subsequently adjusted in) through each stage of [Sales Invoice Manager] producing all document types available via the Actions menu at each stage. This is to confirm your paperwork is correct.
  2. When your orders are moved to Shipping your paperwork UAT is complete.

Courier Testing

It is essential you test your integrated couriers. However, you should not carry out step 3 and 4 of the Courier UAT if you are unable to Void Shipments with the Courier unless you are happy for them to be sent to your courier.
  1. From within the Shipping stage of [Sales Invoice Manager] click Actions followed by Confirm Courier (you do not need to select any orders).
    1. This will open the [Confirm Shipment] screen.
      1. Click Edit, green select all of the orders in the top grid and double click.
        1. The orders will move to the bottom grid.
        2. For all non integrated couriers, add tracking details to the orders in the bottom grid.
      2. Click Save Screen.
        1. You will be now able to see which courier the system has selected for the orders in the bottom grid.
      3. If orders have an incorrect courier selected:
        1. If you are using Courier Bandings for selection, confirm the order matches all of the details in a single row within the [Courier Bandings] table. If the order details do not match all of the conditions, the system will not make that selection.
        2. If you are not using Courier Bandings for selection but instead have the channels point directly to a specific courier (which is NOT the one currently selected) go to [System Setup | Couriers] and disable both the Reassess options for the courier. These options tell the system to use [Courier Bandings] for an alternate selection if this courier has been chosen.
        3. On any row where the courier selection was incorrect, change the courier to that which it should have been (you will need to click Edit to do this and then click Save Screen when complete).
        4. You will need to import more orders to test this functionality again after updating the settings.
      4. If you are happy with the courier selections click the red X in the top right of the screen.
  2. Go to the Shipping stage of [Sales Invoice Manager]. All of the orders should now be lilac in colour to show the user has confirmed the courier to be used.
  3. Green select all of the orders, click Actions followed by Assign To Courier.
  4. All of your orders will be sent to their respective courier service.
    1. If your courier provided you with a label printer, it should start printing labels.
      1. All of these orders will move automatically to Issue within [Sales Invoice Manager].
    2. If you do not have a label printer supplied by your courier, you will likely get PDF files for your shipping labels appear from your notifications bar.
      1. All of these orders will move automatically to Issue within [Sales Invoice Manager].
    3. If you are using a Royal Mail Click & Drop integration, your orders will appear in your Royal Mail Manifest in about 15 minutes, this is where you need to print your labels. These orders will move automatically to Issue within [Sales Invoice Manager] within a few minutes of shipping being confirmed within your Royal Mail manifest.
    4. If there were any errors sending a shipment to a courier you will receive a popup notification and the order will remain in shipping coloured in red.
      1. Take a note of any error (ideally take a screenshot) and contact or your Applications Trainer for assistance.
  5. It is essential at this point that you cancel these shipments with your couriers, KCC can not do this for you.
  6. Green select all of the orders in Issue, click Actions and choose Print Delivery Note. Confirm that courier and tracking details are present and correct on the document.
  7. With the orders still selected move them back to Staging (you can use drag and drop for this).
  8. Your Courier UAT is complete.

Amazon FbA Testing

You should complete this process separately for each Amazon Marketplace FbA channel.
  1. Open the channel in Edit mode.
  2. Go to the Main | Setup tab and switch on the Channel Enabled toggle (If not already enabled).
  3. Ensure that all 3 of the Don't toggles are enabled (coloured green).
  4. Click Save Channel and make a note of the time or set an alarm for 15 minutes.
  5. After 15 minutes has passed since completing step 4 go back to your channel and select the Imported Orders tab.
    1. Disable the Date Range filter.
    2. The grid should be populated with past orders, if none are showing don't worry, 15 minutes is just the most common time-frame for things to display. It can take a couple of hours for the first sync, especially if there is lots of data. If no orders are displayed after 2 hours please contact
    3. Green select all of the orders displayed, then deselect a single recent order
    4. Click the orange Grid Actions button then select Ignore / Don't Import.
  6. Go back to the Main | Setup tab, disable the Don't Import Orders toggle and click Save Channel.
    1. This channel is now set in such a way that it will import the single order not marked as Ignore in step 5.4 as well as any new orders placed by customers - it is essential you continue to process these using your existing processes.
    2. Go to the channel Feedback tab and take note of the following time stamp:
      1. Download sales orders.
  7. KCC should sync to your channel every 8 - 15 minutes however synching may be at increased intervals for the first few hours. During this period you should repeat steps1 to 6 for all FbA channels.
  8. After 15 minutes go to your channel Imported Orders tab and click Reload. There should be no orders with status Not Attempted, however if there are it was the deselected one from step 5.4, select it, click the orange Grid Actions button then choose Retry Download from the menu - it will take an additional 8 - 15 minutes to import.
    1. If the order is displayed with a Failed status, read the message.
      1. Messages relating to SKU mean KCC does not recognise the item being specified on the order.
        1. Create or adjust the stock item in KCC to match the Amazon SKU (using stock barcodes if required).
        2. Once this is done, select the order and choose Retry Import from the Grid Actions menu.
      2. Messages relating to a duplicate customer mean you do not have the Use Generic Customer toggle enabled on the channel Main | Setup tab.
        1. Enable Use Generic Customer and click Save Channel.
        2. Select the order and then choose Retry Import from the Grid Actions menu.
  9. Within KCC, go to [Despatch | Sales Invoice Manager]. You should have orders present in any of the following locations, which location depends on specific conditions:
    1. Issue - Everything is working normally, there is enough stock on KCC to satisfy the order and you have set the channel to import orders to this location.
      1. You do not need to do anything to the order.
    2. Staging - Everything is working normally and there is enough stock on KCC to satisfy the order but you have set the channel to import orders to this location instead of Issue - You may wish to confirm this is a correct for your business.
      1. You do not need to do anything to the order.
    3. Awaiting Stock - Everything is working normally but you do not have enough stock quantities on KCC to satisfy the order.
      1. You should adjust stock in to the system and allocate it to the order within Back Order Manager. The order will move to Released once this is done.
    4. Manual Hold - There is a problem with the payment on the order.
      1. This need to be investigated. Contact your Applications Trainer or for assistance.
  10. Once order has imported go to your channel and enable the Don't Import Orders toggle. You should have all 3 of the Don't toggles enabled.
  11. Your FbA UAT is complete.

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