Process Customer Returns Using Sites
This video shows you how to process customer returns and quarantine stock using sites. There are instructions below the video.

Note before you use this option, you will need to setup additional sites, for example Quarantine for the items being returned, see How To Set Up Sites for how to do this.
Create the Return
- Go to the original sales order.
- Green select item(s) to be returned.
- Click Actions.
- Click Create Customer Return Note.
- In the popup dialog box, click Yes then click Continue.
- This action will generate and open the return note.
- In the Site dropdown menu select the site you wish the returned items to be received in to.
- In the upper grid, use the Return Reason drop down box(es) to specify why each item is being returned and populate the quantity of each item.
- In the lower grid click +New.
- Select the item that the customer would like in exchange, in this case it is more expensive than the item they are returning.
- Click Save Return.
- Click Actions then click Process Return. This will move the item to the site. You can then deal with the items, for example check whether they can be moved back into stock for sale or need to be adjusted out as they are damaged.
Exchange Item Required
- Click Actions then click Issue Credit Note.
- Click Actions then click Allocate Credit Note to Exchange.
- Click Actions then click Goto Exchange Note.
- The Exchange note is effectively a sales order for the exchange items.
- Go to the Additional tab and click Edit.
- In the Site dropdown menu select the site you wish your replacement item to be taken from.
- Click Save Screen and then click the red X in the top right hand corner.
- Clicking the red X will take you back to the Customer Return.
- Click Actions and then click Issue Return Note.