Create a Customer Return With Like-for-Like Exchange


Sometimes you may wish to perform a like-for-like, or direct, exchange in KCC.


Create the Return

  1. Go to the original sales order.
  2. Green select item(s) to be returned.
  3. Click Actions.
  4. Click Create Customer Return Note.
  5. In the popup dialog box, click Yes then click Continue.
    1. This action will generate and open the return note.
  6. In the upper grid, use the Return Reason drop down box(es) to specify why each item is being returned and populate the quantity of each item being returned.
  7. Click Actions and select Direct Exchange. This will populate the bottom grid with the items in the top grid, a like for like exchange. 
  8. Click Save Return.

Process the Return

  1. Click Actions.
  2. Click Process Return.
    1. This action will generate a popup dialog box for you to confirm that a Credit Note and and Exchange Note will be generated.
    2. Clicking the Processing tab will allow you to see the status of the return process.
  3. Click Actions.
  4. Click Issue Credit Note, this will add the credit note to customer's statement and therefore available to pay for goods going out in exchange. 
  5. Click Actions.
  6. Click Allocate Credit Note to Exchange, this will be used in payment against the item going out.
    1. The exchange note will now be available to process in [Sales Invoice Manager] as if it were a Sales Order.
  7. Click Actions.
  8. Click Issue Return Note.

See also

This video explains how to create and process a customer return with a Like for Like exchange. 

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