Create a Customer Return With Like-for-Like Exchange
Sometimes you may wish to perform a like-for-like, or direct, exchange in KCC.
Create the Return
- Go to the original sales order.
- Green select item(s) to be returned.
- Click Actions.
- Click Create Customer Return Note.
- In the popup dialog box, click Yes then click Continue.
- This action will generate and open the return note.
- In the upper grid, use the Return Reason drop down box(es) to specify why each item is being returned and populate the quantity of each item being returned.
- Click Actions and select Direct Exchange. This will populate the bottom grid with the items in the top grid, a like for like exchange.
- Click Save Return.
Process the Return
- Click Actions.
- Click Process Return.
- This action will generate a popup dialog box for you to confirm that a Credit Note and and Exchange Note will be generated.
- Clicking the Processing tab will allow you to see the status of the return process.
- Click Actions.
- Click Issue Credit Note, this will add the credit note to customer's statement and therefore available to pay for goods going out in exchange.
- Click Actions.
- Click Allocate Credit Note to Exchange, this will be used in payment against the item going out.
- The exchange note will now be available to process in [Sales Invoice Manager] as if it were a Sales Order.
- Click Actions.
- Click Issue Return Note.
See also
This video explains how to create and process a customer return with a Like for Like exchange.