Set Up Courier Bandings


Once you have setup your couriers in Khaos Control Cloud, you can then setup the Courier Bandings. These determine which courier service your system will assign to a sales order. This video explains the process and there are step by step instructions below.


  1. Go to [System Setup | System Data | Courier Bandings].
  2. Click Edit and if new rows are needed click +New or edit existing rows as required.
  3. Select the courier which this band should use using the dropdown. The Banding ID is system generated.
  4. Select the Courier Group, if required. This is used to restrict specific types of order to certain couriers.
  5. Set the Low and High triggers for Weight, Volume and Order Value so a specific courier is selected by the system.
  6. Set all other fields as required remembering that all conditions MUST apply in order for the system to select the courier.
  7. If you are setting up courier bands where the conditions may overlap, you should use the Priority to direct the system to the preferred courier with 1 being the highest priority and 99999 the lowest. We recommend starting priority numbers at 110 and applying steps of 10 (e.g. 110, 120, 130, etc.) in order to allow for later amendment without needing to renumber the entire sequence. The courier banding used will be the first one of that priority. If there is an overlap in the the priority of as well as the conditions, the system will select the courier banding placed highest in the grid.
  8. When you have finished setting up your courier bandings, click Save Screen.


Detailed Courier Banding instructions can be found here, Courier Banding Guide.

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