Confirm the Shipment of a Sales Order
Before you can assign sales orders to couriers using courier integration you must first confirm that the details including the courier are correct. The following video show you how to do this and there are step by step instructions below.
- Go to the 'Shipping' stage of [Despatch | Sales Invoice Manager].
- Green select the order(s) you wish to confirm shipment.
- Click Actions.
- Click Confirm Shipment.
- This action will take you to the 'Confirm Shipment' screen.
- Click Edit.
- Green select the sales order(s) you wish to confirm shipment details for and drag them to the 'Shipped' grid.
- The system may have assigned a particular courier service to the order(s). if this is not suitable it can be altered by using the drop down menu on the row and selecting a more appropriate courier.
- Click Save Screen.

Please note that on the Confirm Shipment screen, in the Shipped grid there is a column called # BOXES. When inputting information here, be aware that if this field is changed to 1 then this will default back to 0. This is not an issue and will assume that the Sales Order includes a single box.