Khaos Control Cloud Setup Guide - System Data - Delivery Rates

This page is intended to compliment the training you undertake to help you set up your Khaos Control Cloud for your business.
The Help menu is also available by clicking on the yellow question mark button in the top right of your screen or selecting Help from the navigation bar within any screen in the system. It’s context-sensitive and will display relevant information depending on where you are within Khaos Control Cloud (KCC). The information includes:
- A description of the main page you are using.
- Information on the fields within the current screen.
- A list of related videos which will guide you through important tasks related to the screen that you are on.
System Data

System Data is found under System Setup from the left navigation bar.
System Data is a list of items that the rest of the system uses in its various screens to function. This is the area allows you to set-up your key central data, such as Customer Types, Tax Rates, Currency Conversions, Stock Types, etc. To enter any of the areas within the System Data grid double click its line.
- From within any area of system data you can enter edit mode via the green Edit button at the top of the screen.
- The information within system data can be changed at any time however once it has been used it can no longer be deleted.
- Save any changes using the Save Screen button in the top right.
Delivery Rates
This is where delivery rate rules are set up so the system can automatically calculate delivery charges for sales orders.
The system will take into account the courier for a sales order and will apply the rules in this screen to calculate the delivery charge and add it to the sales order. As the values on the sales order change, this will trigger the system to update the delivery rate charged.
Adding a new Delivery Rate
To add a new Delivery Rate:
- Click the Edit button.
- Click the + New button.
- Enter the details of your new delivery rate as required – See field descriptions and their operations below.
- Country – Limit the delivery rate to a specific country.
- Zone – Only sales orders being delivered to this zone will use this delivery rate. Zones are setup in the Countries screen.
- Postcodes – Sets the delivery rate to only apply to a specific postcode or postcode range, for example NG31, NG[32-40].
- Courier – The name of the courier for the delivery rate as set up in Courier screen.
- Comp Class – Limit the delivery rate to a specific company class.
- Wgt-Low – The minimum total sales order weight for this delivery rate to apply.
- Wgt-High – The maximum total sales order weight for this delivery rate to apply.
- Value-Low – The minimum total sales order value for this delivery rate to apply.
- Value-High – The maximum total sales order value for this delivery rate to apply.
- Value-Gross – The value ranges are based on either net or gross sales order charges.
- Postage – The postage/delivery charge for the rate that is entered against the Sales Order.
- Priority – Where there are delivery rates with overlapping weights/values you can set the order in which the system will decide which courier to use; 1 being the highest priority, 999999 being the lowest.
- Gross – The postage value entered can be marked as either gross or net.
- VAT? – Mark the postage charged as vatable.
- Weight Unit – This flag denotes whether kilogrammes or grammes are used when calculating the delivery rate. If ticked, weights are measured in kilogrammes otherwise grammes are used to calculate the delivery rate.
- Per KG Chg – This is used when delivery rate is being calculated by weight (e.g. 12p per KG).
- Inv Priority – Allows a priority to be set against invoices with this delivery rate.
- Curr – The currency to be used for the delivery rate.
- Brand - Only sales orders with the specified brand and that meet the other options set, will use this delivery rate.
- Repeat steps 2 & 3 for each additional delivery rate.
- When finished click the Save Screen button.

When a Delivery Rate with a value here is triggered, the Invoice Priority on the Sales Order will be set to this value and override any previous Invoice Priority.

It is important that when setting up delivery rates that the following criteria are adhered to as orders may be placed in the Manual Hold area within the [Sales Invoice Manager]:
- The prices entered here match the prices on your channels.
- The units of weight you select are used throughout the system.
- There should be no gaps between the values of various delivery rates, eg. Wgt_High = 1.99 on one line will require a Wgt-Low = 2.00 on a separate line for weights exceeding 1.99.
- We can assist you with setting up your delivery rates table, email
- Delivery Rates entered here can be overruled by Keycodes.
A video demonstrating Delivery Rates can be viewed here, (Video) How to Set Up Delivery Rates.
Changing a Delivery Rate
To change a Delivery Rate:
- Click the Edit button.
- Edit the values within the table as required using the field descriptions above for reference.
- When you have finished editing click the Save Screen button.
Deleting a Delivery Rate
To delete a Delivery Rate:
- Click the Edit button.
- Green select the line(s) you wish to delete.
- Click the - Del button.
- When you have finished deleting Delivery Rates click the Save Screen button.