Updating Stock Items Using Data Imports


Updating Stock items using the Import Tool


This can be done using the inbuilt data import tool in [System Setup | Data Imports].
There is only one mandatory column as detailed below plus as many columns as you wish to update.
A sample file that updates the stock value and country of manufacture for stock item 773W can be found attached to this article.
  1. STOCK_CODE - This field is mandatory and is what your system will use to identify existing products.
  2. Any columns you wish to update.
    1. A list of the available fields that can be updated is here, Stock Data Import Map


If you require a list of all the stock codes on your system, this can be generated using the process below. 
  1. Go to [Reports | Adhoc Reports].
  2. In the popup window select System - Products.
    1. This will produce a CSV file of all the stock items on your system.


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