Entering Core Details against a Stock Item


This video describes the main information that can be entered against a stock item once the stock item has been created, see  How to Create a New Stock Item . There are step-by-step instructions below the video.

Once the stock item has been created you can add some basic information:


  1. Stock Code, this is required and is the stock items reference code. You can over type the system generated code with one of your own.
  2. Description, this is required and is the short description of the stock item that can be seen in the grids in the system, for example sales orders. Enter the description of your product. 
  3. Stock Type, this is required and defines the Level 2 stock type, which is used by the system to categorise stock. These are setup in System Data beforehand and you will then be able to select the appropriate stock type from the dropdown.
  4. You can define additional options or click on the Save Stock Item button.

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