Stock Types


Stock Types enable similar stock items to be grouped together. The term Stock Type can be interchangeable with Category, as used by Amazon and Ebay. 

Khaos Control Cloud requires each product to belong to a Level 2 stock type which in turn must belong to a Level 1; these are the only mandatory stock types. If you require use of 3 levels these must be levels 1, 2 & 4 - it is not possible to store stock against level 3 as this an intermediate level. We recommend you avoid using all 4 levels where possible as managing stock to this degree of complexity can be very complex and time consuming.

Stock Types, mainly Level 2, are used throughout KCC, for example:
  1. When reporting
  2. Accounts
  3. Promotions
  4. Filtering in screens for example stock look up screens, Despatch etc


Level 1 should be totally generic, level 2 more specific as outlined below:
  1. Level 1: Food & Drink
    1. Level 2: Soft Drinks
    2. Level 2: Fruit
    3. Level 2: Cereals
  1. Level 1: Cleaning Products
    1. Level 2: Household Cleaning
    2. Level 2: Laundry Products
    3. Level 2: Bin Liners
Levels 3 & 4 have now been added for extra detail:
  1. Level 1: Food & Drink
    1. Level 2: Soft Drinks
      1. Level 4: Fruit Juice
      2. Level 4: Fizzy Drinks
      3. Level 4: Water
    2. Level 2: Fruit
      1. Level 3: Apples
        1. Level 4: Golden Delicious
        2. Level 4: Pink lady
        3. Level 4: Granny Smith
      2. Level 3: Tropical Fruit
        1. Level 4: Lychees
        2. Level 4: Mango
    3. Level 2: Sweets
      1. Level 4: White Chocolate
      2. Level 4: Milk Chocolate
      3. Level 4: Fruit Chews
    4. Level 2: Cereals
      1. Level 3: Healthy Cereal
        1. Muesli
        2. Bran
        3. Granola
      2. Level 3: Kids Cereal
        1. Level 4: Rice based cereal
        2. Level 4: Flake based cereals
        3. Level 4: Chocolate cereals
  1. Level 1: Cleaning Products
    1. Level 2: Household Cleaning
      1. Level 3: Gloves
        1. Level 4: Marigolds
        2. Level 4: Disposable Gloves
      2. Level 3: Bin Liners
        1. Level 4: Small bin liners
        2. Level 4: Swing bin liners
      3. Laundry Products
        1. Level 4: Detergents
        2. Level 4: Fabric Softener
These examples are very generic but should give some guidance as to what stock levels are and how they can be used.


As level 2 is the stock type displayed in most screens, for visibility we recommend including your level 1 stock types bracketed in your level 2 descriptions e.g. [Food & Drink] Soft Drinks

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