Client Query - Report stock level from different sites to a channel - Requires Review


We have stock held in various sites on KCC. Is it possible to set up a channel to report stock levels from multiple sites?


This is possible, but should be undertaken with caution as if the same item tries to sync from multiple sites the channel will only report the last site stock level sync and not the collective amount (site levels sync individually, not collectively).


To set a site for a stock level:
  1. Open the channel in Edit mode.
  2. On the Main / Setup tab, enable the Don't Upload Stock Status toggle.
    1. The purpose of this is to prevent stock levels of zero being sent up to the channel after step 7.
  3. Select the Main / Stock tab.
  4. Scroll to the Profiles grid.
  5. Ensure the profile already present is selected as 'Default'.
  6. Click +New.
    1. In the new row, change the following:
      1. The name to something other than New Profile.
      2. Set the site to where you need to report stock levels from.
      3. Set the other details as required using the guide here, Stock Profiles and Matching (Main / Stock Tab).
  7. Click Save Channel and close the channel screen using the red X.
  8. Open the channel in Edit mode.
  9. Go to the Main / Stock tab.
  10. Scroll to the very bottom of the screen.
  11. In the Stock grid, click +New.
    1. In the popup, green select the stock items to be reported from the alternate site.
    2. Once selected, double click on any green row.
  12. Green select all of the items just added to the grid and then click in Profile box of any row.
    1. The box should turn blue.
  13. Click the purple cog icon at the top of the grid.
  14. Click Apply Value Range.
    1. In the popup, select the new profile created at step 5.
      1. If this is not visible, click Save Channel and close the channel screen.
      2. Wait 30 minutes and try steps 13 & 14 again.
    2. Click OK.
  15. Select the Main / Setup tab and disable the Don't Upload Stock Status toggle.
    1. This will re-enable the stock level sync to the channel.
  16. Click Save Channel.
  17. Go to the [Stock Item] screen (for your main site).
  18. Green select the entire table.
  19. Click the orange Grid Actions button and select Mark Stock Items as Changed.
  20. Repeat steps 17 to 19 for each of your sites.
    1. You will need to:
      1. Close the [Stock Item] screen each time.
      2. Click the barn symbol at the top of the KCC window to select a different site.
Your system will now report stock levels for each site whenever the stock level changes for any site.

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