Print a Supplier Payment Remittance


This video explains how to print a supplier payment remittance in Khaos Control Cloud and step by steps can be found beneath the video.


  1. Open the Statement tab of the Supplier record.
  2. If not already done so, record a payment to the supplier.
    1. Click Actions and select New Payment.
    2. In the popup dialog box, enter the details of the payment and click OK.
    3. In the bottom right hand table green select the invoice(s) you wish to allocate the payment to.
    4. In the top right hand grid green select the newly entered payment.
    5. Click Actions and select Allocate Payments / Credits to Invoice(s).
      1. Confirm the popup.
  3. Green select the payment(s) the remittance advice is for.
  4. Click Actions and select Print Supplier Payment Remittance.

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