Listings Capabilities - Delisted

Categories (Main/Categories) 

This section must currently be setup from within the channel.

Listing on Shopify

  1. Once your system is connected to Shopify and the 'Synchronise Categories 'toggle is turned on, the system will pull down a list of your Shopify categories, which will display on the left-hand side of the screen.
  2. Clicking on the category will display the items you have listed in that category in the grid:

By going into Edit mode, you can add or delete stock items within categories, and these will be updated on Shopify whenever the system syncs with the channel. Categories cannot be added or deleted here, this must still be done on Shopify. The plum coloured background against the product above indicates that the system has not found a match for the product in Khaos Control Cloud.

When listing on Shopify, the following stock attributes are sent up to the channel:
  1. Stock Code (matches to Shopify SKU)
  2. Sell Price (matches to Shopify Price)
  3. Short Description (matches to Shopify Title)
  4. Long Description (matches to Shopify Body HTML)
  5. Level 2 Stock Type (matches to Shopify Product Type)
  6. Manufacturer (matches to Shopify Vendor)
  7. SCS Element Descriptions (matches to Shopify Options)
  8. Image Filename (matches to Shopify Images)

Listing on BigCommerce

  1. Once your system is connected to BigCommerce and the 'Synchronise Categories' toggle is turned on, the system will pull down a list of your BigCommerce categories, which will display on the left-hand side of the screen.
  2. Clicking on the category will display the items you have listed in that category in the grid:

By going into Edit mode, you can add or delete stock items within categories, and these will be updated on BigCommerce whenever the system syncs with the channel. Categories cannot be added or deleted here, this must still be done on BigCommerce. The plum coloured background against the product indicates that the system has not found a match for the product in KCC.

When listing on BigCommerce, the following stock attributes are sent up to the channel:
  1. Stock Code (matches to BigCommerce SKU)
  2. Sell Price (matches to BigCommerce Price)
  3. Short Description (matches to BigCommerce Title)
  4. Long Description (matches to BigCommerce Body HTML)
  5. Level 2 Stock Type (matches to BigCommerce Product Type)
  6. Manufacturer (matches to BigCommerce Vendor)
  7. SCS Element Descriptions (matches to BigCommerce Options)
  8. Image Filename (matches to BigCommerce Images)

Listings using a 3rd Party API

The listings feature of the system is available when used with a channel using a 3rd Party API. The exact features that are available will depend on how your web developer has integrated the API to your website. However, the following attributes are available:
  1. Stock item upload
  2. Stock short description
  3. Stock long description and web teaser
  4. Stock item UDAs
  5. Manufacturer
  6. Category information
  7. Pricelists

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