Khaos Control Cloud Setup Guide - System Data - Currency Conversions


This page is intended to compliment the training you undertake to help you set up your Khaos Control Cloud for your business.
The Help menu is also available by clicking on the yellow question mark button in the top right of your screen or selecting Help from the navigation bar within any screen in the system. It’s context-sensitive and will display relevant information depending on where you are within Khaos Control Cloud (KCC). The information includes:
  1. A description of the main page you are using.
  2. Information on the fields within the current screen.
  3. A list of related videos which will guide you through important tasks related to the screen that you are on.

System Data

System Data is found under System Setup from the left navigation bar.
System Data is a list of items that the rest of the system uses in its various screens to function. This is the area allows you to set-up your key central data, such as Customer Types, Tax Rates, Currency Conversions, Stock Types, etc. To enter any of the areas within the System Data grid double click its line.
  1. From within any area of system data you can enter edit mode via the green Edit button at the top of the screen.
  2. The information within system data can be changed at any time however once it has been used it can no longer be deleted.
  3. Save any changes using the Save Screen button in the top right.

Currency Conversions

This screen contains a list of currency conversion factors. It allows you to convert from the base currency of your system (Pounds Sterling as default) to all the currencies that may be used, and then the system will automatically calculate the inverse rate.
Notes & Caveats:
  1. At the time of writing Khaos Control Cloud does not automatically update conversion rates, instead this must be done periodically by the user.
  2. A currency conversion must be present for all currencies the system will use.
  3. Currency conversions will continue to be applied by the system even if the 'Valid Until' date has passed.

Adding a new Currency Conversion

To add a new Currency Conversion:
  1. Go to [System Data | International | Currency Conversions].
  2. Click the Edit button.
  3. Click the + New button.
  4. Enter the details of your new Currency Conversion using the descriptions below as a guide.
    1. From – This is the currency you are converting from, usually this will be your system's Base Currency (By default it is set to Pounds Sterling).
    2. To – This is the currency you wish to convert to.
    3. Factor – This is the exchange rate to be used for the conversion. 
    4. Valid Until – This is the date you wish the conversion factor to be valid until.
    5. Help Text – This is the summary of the conversion.
  5. Repeat steps 3 & 4 for each currency conversion.
  6. Click the Save Screen button.
An explainer video of this can be viewed here, How to Set Up Currency Conversions.

Editing the Currency Conversion table

To edit Currency Conversions:
  1. Go to [System Data | International | Currency Conversions].
  2. Click the Edit button.
  3. Change the details of your currency conversions as required.
  4. Click the Save Screen button.

Deleting Currency Conversions

To delete Currency Conversions:
  1. Go to [System Data | International | Currency Conversions].
  2. Click the Edit button.
  3. Green select the currency conversion(s) you wish to delete.
  4. Click the - Del button.
  5. Click the Save Screen button.

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