Khaos Control Cloud Data Import Mapping - Customers / Suppliers
This page contains the field mapping requirements for customer and supplier imports.
This page is also available to download as a PDF from the attachments tab.
An example Customer / Supplier import file is available on the attachments tab. It should be noted that where a company has more than one address or contact then you MUST enter a COMPANY_CODE (URN) for the parent company.
Running a customer / supplier import multiple times will result in duplicates unless COMPANY_CODE has been defined.
The following fields are MANDATORY and must be filled in or the import will fail:
If you need to run an import more than once then the mandatory fields MUST be filled in.
All YES/NO fields
should be done as Boolean values. YES = -1, NO = 0
COMPANY_NAME | YES | The name of the company being setup. In the case of
a retail customer this can be the Title, Forename and Surname. | FREE TEXT | 100 |
ADDRESS:ADDRESS1 | YES | The first line of the address information. | FREE TEXT | 35 |
ADDRESS:TOWN | YES | The town associated with the address being saved. | FREE TEXT | 35 |
ADDRESS:POSTCODE | YES | The address postcode. | FREE TEXT | 10 |
ADDRESS:COUNTRY2_CODE | YES | The 2-character country code for the address. GB for
the United Kingdom. | FREE TEXT | 2 |
COMPANY_CODE | NO (see note) | Use this to optionally define the unique reference
number for the company record. ![]() | FREE TEXT | 30 |
COMPCLASS_ID | NO | The name of the classification of the company as
defined in [System Data | Company Classes] – CASE SENSITIVE | FREE TEXT | 15 |
CTYPE_ID | NO | The type of company as defined in [System Data | Company Types] | FREE TEXT | 15 |
ADDRESS:ADDRESS2 | NO | The second line of the address information. | FREE TEXT | 35 |
ADDRESS:LOCALITY | NO | The third line of the address information, or the
locality of the address. | FREE TEXT | 35 |
ADDRESS:COUNTY | NO | The address county. | FREE TEXT | 35 |
ADDRESS:FAX | NO | A generic address level fax number. | FREE TEXT | 25 |
ADDRESS:PREF_DELADDRESS | NO | Whether the address is the preferred delivery
address. | YES/NO | 5 |
ADDRESS:TELEPHONE | NO | A generic address level telephone number. | FREE TEXT | 25 |
ADDRESS:EMAIL | NO | A generic address level email address. | FREE TEXT | 225 |
CONTACT:TITLE | NO | The title of the individual contact. | FREE TEXT | 40 |
CONTACT:FULL_NAME | NO | Use this if your contact name is in a single column
and the import will try to split it into Title, Forname, Surname. | FREE TEXT | 255 |
CONTACT:FORENAME | NO | The forename of the individual contact. | FREE TEXT | 100 |
CONTACT:SURNAME | YES | The surname of the individual contact. | FREE TEXT | 100 |
CONTACT:TEL1 | NO | The contact’s telephone number. | FREE TEXT | 25 |
CONTACT:FAX1 | NO | The contact’s fax number. | FREE TEXT | 25 |
CONTACT:EMAIL | NO | The contact’s email address. | FREE TEXT | 225 |
CONTACT:EMAIL_SUBSCRIBER | NO | Is this contact an email list subscriber. | YES/NO | 5 |
CONTACT:JOB_TITLE | NO | The contact’s job title. | FREE TEXT | 200 |
CONTACT:PREF_DELCONTACT | NO | Whether the contact is the preferred delivery
contact. | YES/NO | 5 |
CONTACT:PREF_INVCONTACT | NO | Whether the contact is the preferred invoice
contact. | YES/NO | 5 |
CONTACT:DATAPROT_ID | NO | The data protection level of the individual contact. Use the values
you have specified in [System Data | Data Protection]. ![]() An example of such a
value would be, "Our use and any 3rd parties" | FREE TEXT | 15 |
OTHER_REF | NO | Another reference that can be populated for the
company record being setup. | FREE TEXT | 50 |
WEB_SITE | NO | The company’s website. | FREE TEXT | 50 |
AGENT_ID | NO | Default agent of the company as defined in [System Data | Agents]. | FREE TEXT | 15 |
COMPANY_STATEMENT_NOTE | NO | A note which will associate with the company
statements. | FREE TEXT | 255 |
COMPANY_INVOICE_NOTE | NO | A note which will associate with invoices raised for
this company. | FREE TEXT | 255 |
COMPANY_PICKINGLIST_NOTE | NO | A note which will associated with the picking and
delivery note reports for this company. | FREE TEXT | 255 |
BANKACCOUNT_NAME | NO | The name of the company’s bank. | FREE TEXT | 35 |
BANKACCOUNT_NUMBER | NO | The bank account number for the company. | FREE TEXT | 15 |
BANKACCOUNT_CODE | NO | The sort code for the company. | FREE TEXT | 10 |
CREDIT_AMOUNT | NO | The amount of credit on sales to be extended to the
company. | NUMERIC | 20 |
CURRENCY_ID | NO | The name of the currency as defined in [System Data | Currencies]. | FREE TEXT | 4 |
DATAPROT_ID | NO | The data protection level of the company. Use the
values you have specified in [System Data | Data Protection]. ![]() An example of
such a value would be, "Our use and any 3rd parties" | FREE TEXT | 15 |
EC_COMPANY | NO | Companies that are marked as true will have their
tax values posted into the EC portion of the tax register and appear in the
relevant EC sections of the VAT Return. | YES/NO | 5 |
PROFORMA | NO | Indicates if the customer is a proforma customer. This is a customer only value, it is not available for suppliers. | YES/NO | 5 |
TAX_REFERENCE | NO | The VAT Reference number for the company. | FREE TEXT | 20 |
TERMS_ID | NO | This should read either "Invoice Date", "Month End" or "Months". | FREE TEXT | 12 |
TERMS_PERIOD | NO | Related to the terms ID. Usually the number of
days/months, depending on your ID selection above. | NUMERIC | 10 |
VEN_REFERENCE | NO | The company’s vendor reference. | FREE TEXT | 20 |
SUPPLIER | NO | Whether this is a supplier (-1), or a customer (0). | YES/NO | 5 |
POCODE_REQUIRED | NO | If true, Khaos Control Cloud will not allow a Sales
Order to be saved unless a Purchase Order reference has been entered into the
appropriate field. This is a customer only value, it is not available for
suppliers. | YES/NO | 4 |
DISCOUNT | NO | A percentage discount to apply to Sales Orders by
default. ![]() You should not enter a % symbol in this field | NUMERIC | 20 |
All YES/NO fields should be done as Boolean values. YES = -1, NO = 0