Discontinue a Stock Item


You may want to Discontinue a Stock Item, this will not affect Sales Order History of that item. It is not possible to delete a stock item once it has been used on sales and purchase orders.


​To discontinue an item follow the steps below:
  1. Go to your Stock Item screen.
  2. Green select the items you’d like to discontinue.
  3. Select the Action button.
  4. Click Update Stock Items.
  5. Scroll down to where it says ITEM DISCONTINUED and toggle this over to green.
  6. Press Okay.

To check these discontinued items, what you can do is the following:

  1. Go to the Stock Item screen.
  2. Click the blue Filters button.
  3. Find the Discontinued filter option and toggle this to green.
  4. Select Go.

This will show you all the items that you have been marked as discontinued.

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