Create a Pack Relationship


You can create packs, also known as move with or bundle relationships. This video explains the process:


  1. Create a non stock controlled pack parent item.
  2. Go to the  Relationships  tab.
  3. Enter  Edit  mode.
  4. Use the  Relationship Type  drop down to select  Move With.
  5. Save  the screen.
  6. Use the  Add  button to select each component for the pack.
  7. Confirm the  quantity  required as each component is added.
  8. If you wish to Change the quantity of an item in the pack:
    1. Click on the Qty button.
    2. Enter the new quantity.
    3. Click Continue .
  9. If you don't define a Value Proportion , the system will calculate this for you when the pack is sold based on the values of the individual items. If you wish to define the  Value Proportion , this must add up to 100.

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