Viewing Your Creditors


This video will show you how to get an overview of your creditors. A step by step guide can be found below the video.


Open the [ Accounts | Debt Management ] screen.

The screen consists of the following columns:
  1. URN: the suppliers URN.
  2. Name: the suppliers name.
  3. Total: total of all invoices which may be spread over various periods.
  4. Unalloc: amount of unallocated payments and/or credits on the account. Note: these will show as a minus figure.
  5. Owed: total minus the Unalloc values to show total owing, a negative figure indicates a credit balance.
  6. Credit Limit: displays the credit limit as set for each  Supplier in their [ Supplier | Detail | Financial ] tab.
  7. Current: period 0; new invoices.
  8. Period #: aged invoices based on month or week, amounts in red are overdue based on the supplier's credit terms.


The Filter button allows you to filter the grid by various options. It is worth having a look to see what is available and what suits your business requirements.

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