View Your Debtors
This video will show you how to view your debtors in Khaos Control Cloud. A description of the screen is below the video.
Open the [ Accounts | Debt Management ] screen.
The screen consists of the following columns:
- URN: the customer or suppliers URN.
- Name: the customer or suppliers.
- Total: total of all invoices which may be spread over various periods.
- Unalloc: amount of unallocated payments and/or credits on the account. Note: these will show as a minus figure.
- Owed: total minus the Unalloc values to show total owing, a negative figure indicates a credit balance.
- Credit Limit displays the credit limit as set for each Customer / Supplier in their [ Customer / Supplier | Detail | Financial ] tab.
- Current: period 0; new invoices.
- Period #: aged invoices based on month or week, amounts in red are overdue based on the customer's credit terms.
- Debt Chase: user-defined; used for customer debt tracking.
The Actions button allows you to:
- Toggle Credit Stop which will prevent a customer from having sales orders created for them. They will have a yellow background in the grid.
- Change Debt Stage which allows you to change the
- You can Print a Statement which you can download and send to the customer.
The Filter button allows you to filter the grid by various options. It is worth having a look to see what is available and what suits your business requirements.