Using a Nominal Classification for Specific Channels


I need to account for my channel fees and my channel sales in a single nominal classification, how can I set this up?


In Khaos Control Cloud it is not possible to assign a nominal classification to sales received from a specific channel, however it is possible to assign a nominal class to the Company Class being used by the channel for new customers - there are a couple of considerations before doing this, discussed later.
  1. Create your new Nominal Classification.
    1. A guide on doing this can be found here, Setting up Nominal Classifications.
  2. Create a new Company Class and link it to the Nominal Classification in step 1.
    1. A guide on creating Company Classes can be viewed here, Setting up Company Classifications.
  3. Open the channel you want to link the Company Class to and go into Edit mode.
  4. Click (Global) in the bottom left Channel Order Types grid.
  5. In the bottom right Default Values for Order Type grid, click the magnifying glass on the Classification row.
    1. In the popup, specify the Company Class created in step 2 and click OK.
  6. Click Save Channel.


  1. The method above will only affect new customer records created via this single channel.
  2. Existing customers will not use this new classification unless you manually edit them to do so.
  3. Customers using this nominal classification will still report against it, even if the sale was not made via the same channel.

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