Use Quick Despatch


This video will show you how to use Quick Despatch in Khaos Control Cloud. This is an alternative to using the Sales Invoice Manger when you wish to quickly print documents and labels and mark invoices as despatched. You can only process paid invoices or invoices on Account. There are step by step instructions below the video.

Setup the Report Types

  1. Click on Despatch .
  2. Click on the Quick Despatch button. 
  3. Click on the Report Types drop down and click on the reports that you would like printed. This only needs to be done once as the system will remember what type of reports you want to print when quick despatching. Reports can be set to print directly to printers, using the PrintNode integration (optional). The following reports are available:
    1. Invoice.
    2. Picking Sheet (single).
    3. Picking Sheet (combined).
    4. Sales Order Acknowledgement.
    5. Delivery Note. 
Using Quick Despatch
  1. Click on Despatch 
  2. Click on the Quick Despatch button. 
  3. The grid only shows orders that are in the Released or Staging stage in the Sales Invoice Manager. 
  4. Click on the Filters button to filter for the sales orders you wish to process. The filters available are the same as in the Sales Invoice Manager. 
  5. Select the orders you wish to process. 
  6. Click on the  Actions  button, then Print Report(s). 
    1. You can opt to add the orders to a batch which can be filtered for in the grid. This is useful to give to a user to process as a batch.
  7. Once reports have been downloaded and printed, pick your goods and get them prepared for despatch (as per your processes).
  8. If you added a batch number, this can be filtered on in the filter above the grid.
    1. If you use batches you may find it easier to add the filter to the area above the grid.
  9. You can view the items on the sales orders by using the Show Items option and turning the toggle to green.
  10. You can either: 
    1. Scan the invoice number into the Scan Verify box so you can verify the items being picked as you work through the items on the sales order. As you scan in the items the % Complete will gradually build up until it reaches 100%. At this point the system will know that the pick is complete and it can be verified.
    2. If you don't want to verify the pick and want to process the order:
      1. Select the sales order.
      2. Click on the Actions button and select Pick, Pack Verification.
      3. Turn off Verifying Pick.
  11.  Select the courier you wish to use from the drop-down.
  12. Click on the Process button.  The invoice will be: 
    1. Moved to the Shipping stage of  [Sales Invoice Manager] 
    2. Marked as shipped. 
    3. An attempt will be made to Assign to Courier. If successful, labels may be printed at this point. 
    4. If Assign to Courier was successful then the invoice will be moved to the Issue stage of  [Sales invoice Manager] .


At some point in the future, all invoices will need to be Issued via the Issue stage of  [Sales invoice Manager] 

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