Use Barcode Scanning
Barcode scanning allows the user to move stock, for example when delivering in goods and also to move invoices in the Sales Invoice Manager. A step by step guide can be found below the video.
Enable barcode scanning
- Click on the Barcode icon at the top of the screen
- Enable toggle to activate barcode scanning feature.
Booking in a delivery
- Create or open an undelivered Delivery Note. [Purchasing | Deliver Note] or [Purchasing | Purchase Order | Actions | Create Delivery Note]
- Check that the Barcode Scanning icon is visible above the lower grid.
- Scan the item(s) to be booked in and they will automatically be moved to the upper grid.
- Update the quantity that has been delivered.
- Save the Delivery Note to book the items in.
Pick / Pack / Despatch in the Sales Invoice Manager
- Open [Despatch | Sales Invoice Manager]
- With the sales orders green selected in the Picking stage, click Actions and select Pick / Pack / Verification.
- Select the toggle to confirm whether you are picking or packing, the process is the same for each.
- Click in the scan code box.
- Scan the barcodes of your products to confirm the picking / packing process.
- Incorrect or unrequired items will cause the system to generate a popup advising the user.
- Orange in the grid signifies that one or more items are required for the order.
- Green in the grid no more of this item is required for this order.
- Click OK.
Order Processing within Quick Despatch
- Open [Despatch | Quick Despatch]
- Green select order
- Select Report Types, for the documentation you require
- Action
- With the documentation for the order having already been produced: Scan the barcode on the documentation.
- Scan the products on the order to confirm the picking / packing process.
- Incorrect or unrequired items will cause the system to generate a popup advising the user.
- Orange in the grid signifies that one or more items are required for the order.
- Green in the grid no more of this item is required for this order.
- Set the courier as required and click Process.
Performing a Simple Stock Take
To perform a simple stock take with a barcode scanner:
- Open [Stock Tools | Stock Adjustments].
- Click Edit.
- and enable the Simple Stock Take toggle.
- Scan any barcode of your products to add them to the grid.
- The Adjust To value will increase by 1 each time a product is scanned.
- You can manually enter in the quantity of a stock item.
- Click Save Screen.