Payment For Channel Going to Wrong Bank Account


The payments for my channels are going to wrong bank accounts


The below steps inform you how to assign a specific bank account to a channel 


  1. Open the channel you want ot link to the bank account.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Scroll to the bottom left hand grid (Channel Order Typesclick the payment method to use a specific bank account.
  4. In the bottom right hand grid click +New.
  5. In the popup select Payment Bank Account.
  6. Click OK.
  7. It will now be in the right hand grid (Default Values For Order Type).
  8. Click the magnifying glass on the new 'Payment' row in the right hand grid.
  9. In the popup select the bank account sales order payments from the channel should be paid in to.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Save Channel.
Repeat the above steps for each channel and payment method shown in the Channel Order Types grids.

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