Mapping Sales Nominals
This video will show you the different areas that you can map your sales nominals to in Khaos Control Cloud. How To Create a New Nominal Account explains how to create a new sales nominal and map it to countries. A step by step guide can be found below the video.
- In Accounts, open the Nominal Account Setup screen.
- On the required Sales Nominal line use the Account Type column to select the area of the system to map your sales nominal to.
- To map to Company, use the Company Financial tab to complete the mapping in the Snominal field.
- To map to Level 2 Stock Type, use the Account Sales Nominal column in the Level 2 Stock Type table in System Data.
- To map to a Stock Item, use the Sale Nominal field in the Accounting section of the Properties screen.
- To map to Company Class, use the Sale Nominal column in the Company Classification table in System Data.

There is a hierarchy when the system is deciding where to post the sales; the first nominal that matches the criteria is the one the system will use. The hierarchy is:
- Company
- Stock Item
- Level 2 Stock Type
- Company Class
- Country