Khaos Control Cloud - Document and Email Settings - Email

Document and Email Settings is found within System Setup from the left navigation bar.
The Documents and Email Settings screen allows you customise certain aspects of your forward facing documentation and reports to suit your needs and also allows you set triggers whereby the system will automate the sending of emails in certain circumstances.
Registered Domains
If you want to use emails from KCC then you will need to add a domain. Once you have added the domain you will be able to configure the rest of the email settings. This video explains the process How to Add a New Domain to Email Settings.
Email Properties
This screen is where you can set automated email triggers and the details that emails will be sent with.
Use these settings when sending:
This is where you can select the type of document that your wish to configure when sending an email. You will need to configure each document type separately.
Sending Frequency of Emails
How often you wish the system to automatically send emails
Test Mode
Enabled - The system will simulate the sending of emails.
Disabled - The system will send emails.
This freetext box allows you to enter a standardised subject line that all emails of the type selected above being sent by the system will use. If you use the tag {{DOCUMENT_CODE}}, then the document code will automatically be added where the tag appears, for example INV01234.
Attach Generated PDF's
Enabled - The system will attach the PDF it generates to the email.
Disabled - The system will send the email only with no attachments.
From Address
This freetext box allows you to enter the email address that the recipients of the email type selected above will see as the originator of the email, for example or
From Name
This freetext box allows you to enter the name that the recipients of the email type selected above will see as the originator of the email. If you enter {{SYSTEMVALUES:COMPANY_NAME}} in in this field the From Name on emails will be automatically populated using the value from [System Values | General | Company Name].
This feature enables you to sent emails to a second email address, such as for archiving. Multiple email addresses can be entered here but they must be separated by a comma.
Replyto Address
This freetext box allows you to enter the email address that the recipients of the email type selected above will use if they reply to an email. This is useful if you are sending your emails from an unmonitored email address.