Configure Email Settings


This video will show you how to set up and configure your email settings in Khaos Control Cloud. There are step-by-step instructions below the video.


  1. Click on System Setup.
  2. Click on Document and Email Settings.
  3. Click on the Email Settings tab.
  4. Make sure you have entered and verified your email domain.

All emails

Configure the settings for all emails that are sent.
  1. Select All emails from the option Use these settings when sending.
  2. Sending frequency of emails allows you to select how long after an email is generated it is sent. The default is immediately.
  3. The test mode option allows you to check and see if your emails are sending correctly without them actually being sent.
  4. Add a title for the email in the subject line, by default it is the document code.
  5. Selecting attach generated pdfs means that the system will attach the relevant document to the email.
  6. The from address shows what email address you want to show as the address that the email was sent from.
  7. The from name is the company name as set up in System Values.
  8. BCC allows you to blind copy an email to the specified address.
  9. The reply to address allows you to add an address that the person receiving the email can reply to.
  10. Click Save when you have configured your settings.

Specific types of emails

Configure the settings for the following types of emails:
  1. Invoices
  2. Proforma Orders
  3. Sales Acknowledgement
  4. Purchase Orders
  5. Quotations
  6. Delivery Notes
  7. Credit Notes
  8. Customer Returns
  9. Supplier Returns

Once the type of email is selected, the following options are available:

  1. You can view and edit the Email Template that will be used by clicking on the View button.
  2. The email template is written in HTML which you can amend, but we only recommend this if you have a good understanding of HTML.
  3. Add a title for the email in the subject line, by default it is the document code.
  4. Selecting attach generated pdfs means that the system will attach the relevant document to the email.
  5. The from address shows what email address you want to show as the address that the email was sent from.
  6. The from name is the company name as set up in System Values.
  7. BCC allows you to blind copy an email to the specified address.
  8. The reply to address allows you to add an address that the person receiving the email can reply to.
  9. Click Save when you have configured your settings.

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