Khaos Control Cloud - Document and Email Settings - Documents

Document and Email Settings is found within System Setup from the left navigation bar.
The Documents and Email Settings screen allows you customise certain aspects of your documentation and reports to suit your needs and also allows you set triggers whereby the system will automate the sending of emails in certain circumstances.
Document Settings
This screen allows you to set-up and customise your documentation in order enhance the operation of your business via the setting of toggles or by entering the required data in the fields shown.

Please Note:
Depending on your system setup together with any additional services you have requested, the Document Settings page may have different options than those detailed here. If this is the case and you require further clarification please email
A video explainer of the the most common Document Settings options can be viewed here, How to Set Up Documentation.
Show Barcodes
- Enabled - Barcodes recorded against stock items will be printed on your picking sheets.
- Disabled - The Picked column will be blank on your picking sheets.
Show Images
- Enabled - images of a stock item will be printed on documentation under the Stock Code.
- Disabled - Images will not be displayed under the Stock Code.
System Values
Company Name - A free text field for you to enter your Company Name as you would like it to appear on your documentation.
Show Payment
- Enabled - will display a set of bank details on your documentation; if you require multiple accounts please email
- Disabled - Bank details will not be displayed on your documentation.
Payment Details
If Show Payment is disabled this will not be visible. If the Show Payment option above is enabled you will be able to enter bank credentials here as you would like it to appear on your documentation.
These freetext fields allow you to enter the ID and its associated Logo for Brands as specified in [System Data | Brands].
Use SO Gross Totals
- Enabled - Sales Order totals will be displayed as a Gross value.
- Disabled - Sales Order totals will be displayed as a Net value and VAT will be added to the totals at the bottom.
Show Terms on Account Payments
- Enabled - The Terms on Account will be printed on any documentation for account customers.
- Disabled - The Terms on Account will not be printed.
Show Discount on Order Item Lines
- Enabled - The discounts values will be displayed against each item on a Sales Order.
- Disabled - the discounted price is visible but no discount value is displayed.
Use Company Colours
Enabled - The system will theme your documentation text colours to match those on your company logo. Once this option has been enabled it can not be 'undone' at user level. Further changes to the theme, eg. following a significant logo change, would require a support ticket to be raised by mailing, This may incur additional charges.
Disabled - The system will continue to use the standard colours and fonts as it is when your account was opened.

Please Note:
The Company Colour freetext field, if completed, will take priority for text colour over this feature.
Generic Quotation Note
This freetext field allows you to the text here as a note on quotes generated by system.
Show Consignment Ref
- Enabled - The Consignment Ref will be displayed on the printed documentation once it has been generated.
- Disabled - The Consignment Ref will not be displayed on the printed documentation.
Show Document Invoice Contact
- Enabled - The Document Invoice Contact will be displayed in the Invoice Address area.
- Disabled - The Document Invoice Contact will not be displayed.
Show Document Delivery Contact
- Enabled - The Document Delivery Contact will be displayed in the Delivery Address area.
- Disabled - The Document Delivery Contact will not displayed.
Show Child Items
- Enabled - This option allows you to show the individual items of a 'move with' relationship on the documentation.
- Disabled - The parent item of the 'move with' relationship will be displayed.
Company Colour
You can choose a colour, by name, for use on your documentation.
Invoice Footer Text
A freetext field for text you wish to appear at the bottom of an invoice.
Proforma Footer Text
A freetext field for text you wish to appear at the bottom of a Proforma Order.
Show PO Volume
Will enable the volume of your PO to be displayed on a Purchase Order.
Print Barcode as Type
This is the standard type of barcode you wish the system to print on documentation, eg C128A would mean Code 128 Set A.
Product Barcode to Use on Tickets
This is the barcode type as defined in [System Data | Stock Barcode Types] that you wish the system to use when printing pick tickets. With this left blank the system will print all barcode types associated with the stock item.
The following fields ending with Filename are used for custom filename formats. If you require specific guidance on the field names specified email