Issuing Sales Orders


The Issue stage is the final stage in the Sales Invoice Manager and sales orders are moved into this stage normally after they have been shipped. Issuing a sales order will update stock records including quantities, accounts and the customer statement. The sales order will then move to the Archive stage. The video below explains how to do this and there are step-by-step instructions below the video.


  1. Focus on the Issue stage is the Sales Invoice Manager.
  2. Green select all the sales orders you wish to issue.
  3. Click on the Actions button.
  4. Select Issue Invoice.
    1. This action updates your customer statement, stock value, stock levels and accounts are all updated.
    2. There will be a popup 'Please Wait' window whilst KCC processes the orders.
This will update stock records including quantities, accounts and the customer statement. The sales order will then move to the Archive stage for the current quarter.

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