Client Query - Incorrect Total on Sales Invoice


A sales invoice does not include all items from the sales order.


This occurs if there was not enough stock to allocate to the order and you have manually released it from the Awaiting Stock sections of [Sales Invoice Manager].
  1. Move the order back to the Awaiting Stock section of [Sales Invoice Manager].
  2. Go to [Despatch | Back Order Manager].
  3. Click Filters and enable the 'In Stock' tri-state toggle.
    1. This filter ensures that only items you currently have in stock are shown.
  4. Green select the items you wish to allocate.
  5. Click the Actions button and choose Allocate Stock.
  6. In the popup dialog box confirm you wish to allocate stock and the total quantity of items you wish to allocate to outstanding orders.
  7. Click Continue.
  8. Any orders that have been completely fulfilled will be automatically moved to the Released section of [Sales Invoice Manager].

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