Khaos Control Cloud Initial Setup Guide - System Values - Purchasing Tab
This setup guide is designed to work alongside the training you undertake to help you set up your Khaos Control Cloud for your business.
There are tooltips available to describe each option within the application itself, just hover your mouse above the option to display the information associated with it.
The Help menu is also available by clicking on the yellow question mark button in the top right of your screen or selecting Help from the navigation bar within any screen in the system. It’s context-sensitive and will display relevant information depending on where you are within Khaos Control Cloud. The information includes:
- A description of the main page you are using.
- Information on the fields within the current screen.
- A list of related videos which will guide you through important tasks related to the screen that you are on.
System Values
System Values is found under System Setup from the left navigation.
To edit any of the options in System Values:
- Click on the Edit button in the top right.
- Overwrite the example information with your details, select an option from a drop-down list or enable/disable an option using the toggle.
- Save the changes using the Save Screen button in the top right.
Purchasing Tab
The first four options update the buy price on the stock item, or for the supplier associated with the stock item, either when you save a purchase order or purchase invoice. This means that the latest buy price is held against the stock item.
Purchase Prices are Net
Control whether purchase prices are Net (default) or Gross.
Purchase Discount Net
Control whether purchase discounts are Net (default) or Gross.
Lock Purchase Order Prices
This is used when you don’t want the prices on a purchase order to be changed once saved, for example if you negotiate special prices with your supplier.
Stock Reordering Base Value
Determines what the Reorder Report bases the suggested reorder quantities on, either Reorder Qty or Safe Level recorded against stock items, or based on nothing (i.e. no suggested reorder quantities will show).
Round to Reorder Multiple
Controls whether the reorder multiples recorded against stock items are used to calculate the suggested reorder quantity on the reorder report (enabled) or not (disabled).
Use Backorders in Calculations
Controls whether back order quantities are taken into consideration when suggesting reorder quantities on the reorder report or not.
Max number of months sales to assess
The number of months sales to be taken in consideration when performing a re-assessment of safe levels from the Reorder Report screen.
Notes and Caveats:
We usually recommend to set the system to assess quite a few months’ worth of sales data (e.g. 12 months) so that any fluctuation in seasonal demand is evened out. This is so that if you perform a safe level reassessment during or immediately after a seasonal busy period for example, the system won’t be setting your safe levels to an unrealistic high level based on the last month or so only, which would be unsuitable during quieter periods.
Using the options following on from the above, you can dictate what the system takes into account when reassessing safe levels, for example if it should look to factor in back order figures and credit notes. In addition, it allows you to choose whether to assess safe levels for items currently with a 0 safe level.
A video of this procedure can be viewed below