KCC WooCommerce Integration Guide

Before You Begin
This document is intended to be used as a resource alongside the How To Set Up a Woocommerce Channel and How To Control Stock Levels On Your Channel videos on our Support Portal which we highly recommend you watch beforehand.
By default, any channels created in your live system will be activated. If you wish to test your channel integration in your demo system, please contact support@khaoscloud.com asking for your channels to be activated in your demo system.

Please Note: The Khaos Control Cloud integration supports the WooCommerce (WC) 2.6+ system only. Within that we support v2 or v3 of their API in order to connect Khaos Control Cloud.
Khaos Control Cloud does not support the "Legacy API" still used by some sites.
Information about WooCommerce api versions can be found here: https://woocommerce.github.io/woocommerce-rest-api-docs/#introduction
In order to operate with Khaos Control Cloud your API connection URL should look like either of the below examples:
Sites with the following URL types are NOT supported and would require upgrading in consultation with your web site administrator or provider before being able to connect with Khaos Control Cloud.
If you have any questions about whether your site would be supported, please contact our Support Team.
Linking to your channels
The following steps enable you to identify and enter the credentials that will allow you to link your WooCommerce seller accounts (channels) with KCC, and how to configure those values in KCC.
Configure Tax handling in WooCommerce
- In order to improve the accuracy of importing WooCommerce order data, KCC requires WooCommerce to be configured to handle Tax within the store.
- You can view the applicable settings by navigating to the [Settings -> Tax -> Standard rates] area within your WooCommerce store.
- If your WooCommerce site does not currently have Tax enabled or you cannot see this Tab, please follow the WooCommerce guide for enabling Tax on this page: Setting up Taxes in WooCommerce.
- Within the Tax tab, you will need to ensure that your UK tax rate is set up correctly. The screenshot below is provided as a guide for standard 20% VAT.
- If this area of your WooCommerce channel has not been configured, then KCC will not be able to import orders successfully.
- Please note that the WooCommerce store requires the ISO 2-digit country code to be used (e.g. GB, not UK).

The following screenshot is provided for example purposes only.
- Previously, KCC relied upon the 'Prices entered with tax' option (see screenshot below). However, this option no longer affects the value that is imported into KCC.
- Instead KCC uses the Net Price information WooCommerce provides when the Tax options are enabled on the WooCommerce Store.
- Optionally, we also recommend unticking the “Round Tax at subtotal level” option as this ensures the tax behaviour of WooCommerce is aligned with KCC, but this is not mandatory.

In the event an order cannot be processed within KCC due to the expected tax information from WooCommerce not being present, a special notification will now be shown in the Notifications tab of your WooCommerce channel(s).
Orders that fall into this category will also move into the “Manual Hold” stage due to discrepancies between the price that has been calculated for the order and the price that was received from WooCommerce.
These orders can be manually corrected to allow them to be processed through the system, and the following notification will be given on the Notifications tab:
If you observe any orders falling into Manual Hold, we highly recommend you review your WooCommerce settings in line with the above information.
Creating your WooCommerce API Keys
The following process is required in order to authorise the integration between your WooCommerce account and your KCC system:
- Login into your Wordpress CMS.
- Click WooCommerce.
- From the sub menu click Settings.
- Click into the API tab.
- This will display your default Settings for the API. Ensure that the ‘API’ checkbox is ticked, as below. If it isn’t, please tick it and click ‘Save Changes’.
- Click the Keys/Apps option.
- In this area you can create and manage an API key for your Khaos Control Cloud instance.
- Click Add key (highlighted below).
- There are three elements to define for your API:
- Description
- We suggest that you call the API Key Khaos Control Cloud, but any description that works for you will do.
- User
- This must be an Admin user in your Wordpress CMS.
- Permissions
- These must be set to ‘Read/Write’ as above.
- Once those are defined click ‘Generate API Key’.
- Wordpress will display the following details:
- Copy the Consumer Key and the Consumer Secret.
- Click on the Keys/Apps option at the top of the screen once you’ve copied the data successfully. Your API list will have updated accordingly:

Creating a new channel in KCC
The following steps enable you to enter the credentials that will allow you to link your eBay seller accounts (channels) with KCC, and how to configure them in KCC.
- Select New Channel from the blue command button at the tope of the KCC screen.
- Set the General box as required.
- Name – This is the name of the channel as it will appear in Khaos Control Cloud. It does not need to match up to any official channel name so long as you can identify it.
- Type – This is the type of channel which was selected when creating the new channel, it is displayed here purely for confirmation purposes.
- Channel Enabled – Determines whether the channel is enabled or disabled. We would recommend that it remains enabled once you have authenticated the channel.
Setting the Credentials Against Your Channel
The following process links your WooCommerce Channel in KCC with your WooCommerce store and are all located in the Channel Specific Options box.
- Enter the WooCommerce URL – this is your store’s main URL followed by: /wp-json/wc/v2/
- For example, our Test store’s URL is: https://wc.completecommerce.co.uk/ , so the WooCommerce URL for our Channel will be: https://wc.completecommerce.co.uk/wp-json/wc/v2/
- Enter the Consumer Key for your WooCommerce Store.
- Enter the Consumer Secret for your WooCommerce Store.
- Click Save Channel.
Channel Specific Options
Download POS Orders
When enabled, the system will download orders created via the WooCommerce EPOS gateway.
Download Pending Orders
When enabled, the system will download orders that are marked as pending on your WooCommerce store. If these do not have a payment, it is possible they will imported into Manual Hold.
Import Metadata as ExtDesc
When enabled, this option sets KCC to use stock metadata from your channel as an extended description for stock items on sales orders. This is generally used for things such as personalisation or free text messages relating to the item.
Channel Configuration
To configure your channel(s), please see the guide here, Channel Configuration Guide.