Go Live FAQ


Having gone live there are new set of routine tasks that you will need to perform in order to keep your system running smoothly and your accounts accurate.

How do I know if there are errors on my system?

When you first log in to KCC you are taken straight to the [Dashboard | System Health]. This screen gives you a good overall view of the various area of your system - you should see a green tick marked against each area. If there are any issues of note, such as failed order imports or unreconciled accounts then these will be presented at the top of the list with a number denoting how many issues there are in that area of the system. If there is a number this will be accompanied by a 'SHOW DETAILS' link. This will show you what the issue is (such as what channel and the order number) so that you can rectify this. It is essential that these issues are dealt with promptly as it can be time consuming if allowed to mount up.

Why are my stock values incorrect?

When you are purchasing stock remember that KCC creates a Purchase Order, then a delivery note and from the delivery note it creates a purchase invoice. You need to manually post the purchase invoice to update your accounts and the stock values of the stock items. There is a guide on how to do this here, How to Post Purchase Invoices.

Do I need to issue an invoice for web orders?

Whilst you may be using the [Sales invoice Manager] to manage your orders, are you remembering to issue the sales invoices too? You may find that your stock levels are inaccurate until you have done this. We have created a video detailing exactly what happens when you issue a sales invoice, this can be found here, The Impact of Issuing a Sales Invoice.

Why is system health saying my bank accounts need reconciling?

Even If you are not using KCC for managing your accounts, it is worth remembering that the accounts processes are still being performed in the background. As part of your initial setup you will have at least one bank account set up within the system, probably called ‘Sterling Account’. It is good practice to keep the accounts within KCC reconciled as it is an essential part of ‘Making Tax Digital’. For a bank reconciliation to be performed it is essential that you have told KCC about any ‘Banked items’; these will be cash payments, cheques and any other non-electronic payment methods. A video detailing how this is done can be viewed here, How to Bank Non-Banked Payments

Once you have told KCC about any banked / non-banked payments you can then carry out a bank reconciliation. There is a video on how this is done in our help feature within KCC, we have provided a direct link here, How to Carry Out a Bank Reconciliation.

Can I get the system to order more stock automatically?

Once you have been using the system for a few months (ideally a year or more) you can use the [Stock Tools | Reorder Report] to automatically ‘Reassess Safe Levels’ from the ‘Actions’ button. This will update the Safe Level against the stock item based on the number of items sold over a period, giving you a more accurate Safe Level. This can then be used to help you determine which items need reordering. This feature should not be used on seasonal products as the system does not allow for seasonal variations. A video on doing this can be viewed here, How to Reassess Safe Levels.

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