Delete a Sales Order


Sometimes you may need to delete a sales order that has been imported or created in error, or cancelled.
This must be done one sales order at a time. If you have lots of sales orders to be deleted please email and we may be able to assist.


  1. Move the sales order to any of the following stages in [Sales Invoice Manager]:
    1. Manual Hold (Preferred)
    2. Staging
    3. Released
  2. Open the sales order by double clicking it and selecting Go to Sales Order.
  3. Click Edit and go to the payment tab.
  4. Green select the payment line (if present) and click the red Del button at the top of the payments grid.
  5. Click Save Sales Order.
  6. Click the red Delete button.


If a payment was present at step 4 this will also need to be removed from the customer record statement tab.
  1. Open the company record.
  2. Open the Statement tab.
  3. Green select the relevant payment.
  4. Click on the Actions button.
  5. Select Delete Payment.
  6. Click Yes and then Continue.

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