Create a Purchase Order from the Reorder List


By setting up your minimum and safe levels against a stock item, you can use the Reorder List to see which of your stock items require reordering. It is then a simple process to create a purchase order from this screen, check out the video to show you how, or you can find a step by step guide below the video.

Create a Purchase Order from the Reorder List

Step By Step

  1. In [Stock Tools] , go to the [Reorder Report].
  2. Filter by Supplier , if required,
  3. Green select the items to be ordered.
  4. Use the Actions menu to select Create Purchase Order .
  5. Select the Supplier from the lookup.
  6. Confirm the action in the popup, a purchase order will then be created.
  7. Check and amend the quantities on the purchase order if required.

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