Bulk Update Harmonisation Codes

How can I bulk update my harmonisation codes?
You can bulk update harmonisation codes to stock items using the data import tool by following the steps below.
Getting your data

KCC Lite does not support the steps in this section. If you use KCC Lite we may be able to carry out this section for you as a chargeable service. Please email support@khaoscloud.com for full details. If you are using KCC Lite and need to setup harmonisation codes but do not require our assistance you will need use the guide here, Setting up Harmonisation Codes.

This process may take some time depending on the size of your KCC Stock database.
- Go to [Reports | Adhoc Reports].
- In the popup window select System - Products.
- This will produce a CSV file of all the stock items on your system.
Preparing your data
This section will setup the file generated above so that harmonisation codes can be imported to your system and added to stock items.
- Open the CSV file generated above.
- Delete all columns except the STOCK_CODE column.
- Add the following column headers to columns B, C, D & E.
- Harmonisation:Code (Column B)
- Harmonisation:SHORT_DESC (Column C)
- Harmonisation:Country (Column D)
- Harmonisation:Duty (Column E)
- The system will not use this rate for calculating tax, it is here purely for your own records. The [System Data | Tax Rates] screen will be used to determine the tax rates for the products on a sales order.
- In column B for every stock item enter the Harmonisation Code including trailing zeroes.
- In column C enter the international trade description of the code listed in step 4.
- In column D enter the country to which this code applies.
- If multiple countries are needed the item must appear on a separate line for each country.
- In column E enter the duty to be applied to the product under this harmonisation code when sold to the country specified in step 3.
- Only one duty rate can be applied per country, per product.
- In column F enter the country of manufacture name. This MUST exist in [System Setup | System Data | Countries].
- If you have more than 3000 rows of data the import may fail please split your file in to smaller chunks.
- Save your file(s) as Text (tab delimited) files.
Importing the data on to your KCC system
In order to import the updated data, please follow our data import guide here, Importing Your Data and then carry out Confirmation Check below.
Confirmation Check
Open any stock item that uses an ICN code and ensure the values in the Accounting area are as specified on your data import.