Apply purchase order discounts against the full value rather than each individual line
You can use Apply Value Range to apply a purchase order discount against the full value of an order rather than individual lines.
From within the Purchase Order (in edit mode):
- Green select all of the rows of stock items.
- Click in to the DISC% or DISCL field of any row (the box should turn blue).
- Click the purple cog icon at the top right hand of the grid.
- In the menu, select Apply Value Range.
- In the popup enter the value to be applied to all selected rows.
- Click Apply.
- All selected rows will inherit the value entered.
- Click Save Purchase Order.
- If applying a % discount using the DISC%, this will take the percentage value off each line.
- If you want to apply an amount using the DISCL column, then you will need to average the amount out over all the items in the grid, the system will not average your total amount out for you. For example, if you're given £100 discount and you have 4 lines of one item each, you would add a discount of £25 per line.